All gods described by human language, poetry, art, religious writing, thought and all other communication (i.e. the mind is the ONLY place where gods are described since the environment does not bear any recognised signature or message from of any deity) can easily be superceded by another thought process (Zeus loses to Xenu) and be outwitted by logical and rational enquiry (Christ loses to Gervais).
this is very correct, right on point.
i think it is important to add this -
man at one point or at one time could not possibly comprehend or explain/teach matters of physics, mathematics or science in absolute terms and concepts like we can today (thanks technology!!)
thus, at that time man HAD to resort to explaining these things in ways that could be understood (enter God and Gods reflecting man's personality and tendency).
We now have science, physics, mathematics easily and absolutely explained. there is nothing abstract about these 'ideas' now. Man's intellect has moved on beyond angry gods with deadly thunderbolts.
but the ideas are really one and the same, explained by the same species (man) in different times in history.
in this sense, religion and science trully reconcile. we all believe in the same thing, we just interpret it differently.