We have been taught that the name Jehovah means “He causes to
become.” It is interpreted that He causes Himself to become whatever needed to
accomplish His will—as happened in the case Israelites to whom He “caused
Himself to become” a Savior leading them from slavery in Egypt.
But there is a problem with this definition. Nobody would use the
phrase “cause to become” with regard to himself. One may say: “I helped him,”
(but he won’t say: “I caused myself to become a helper to him.”) “Causing
myself to become a helper to another person” obviously implies helping nature
comes with effort as though it is not in my nature. On the contrary, in God all
the good qualities would come naturally without any effort, or would flow
freely; hence question of “causing Himself to become something” does not arise
in the case of God.
That means “causing to become” relates to whatever that becomes
outside of God. In other words, everything that has “become” was ‘caused to
become’ so by God.
1) When we say all the different species evolved
from simple life forms, it would mean “He caused” them to evolve by adding the
massive amounts of new information required on its way.
2) He ‘caused many to become’ apostates’ which
we know is not the case with us all because we simply used our freewill.
If meaning of God’s name is so ambiguous that it can take the
responsibility of even those who become apostate, then questions would arise:
How can His name be profaned?
How can people pray that His name be sanctified?
Who will ‘cause His name to become’ sanctified again?
Is this ambiguous name really the invention of some humans?