Matter is very simple:
Exposing the clergy of Christendom is right
Exposing those taking lead withing the org is wrong
this from the latest watchtower article on propaganda:.
"keep in mind that satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well.
because propaganda “is likely to be most effective,” says one source, “if peo- ple .
Matter is very simple:
Exposing the clergy of Christendom is right
Exposing those taking lead withing the org is wrong
genesis 3:14 – “then jehovah god said to the serpent: “because you have done this, you are the cursed one out of all the domestic animals and out of all the wild animals of the field.
on your belly you will go, and you will eat dust all the days of your life.”.
the old gb and gb 2.0 differ on this matter.
Genesis and Revelation both are allegorical. Characters are representation of human behavior. For example, hare and tortoise competed. Story literally never happened, yet we come across hare-like people and tortoise-like people around us.
Similarly, snake represents sin which can communicate with us in any form wherever we are, and yielding to sin brings misery. Once we succumb to sin, then we engage in shifting the blame which shows deep within us we are pure, hence sinning is alien to our nature. Sin destroys the self-respect and makes us feel ashamed.
Thus if you look behind the details, account would make sense. Literally, it doesn't make sense.
it occurred to me this morning while one the train to work that jw's, including my family, use the following weasel phrases to excuse the errors they've made over the years:.
"god uses imperfect men".
"jesus didn't say he'd give perfect spiritual food".
They convert people exposing the mistakes of clergy. Once converted they won't encourage to expose those taking the lead within the org. If pointed to the responsible ones, they have the standard phrase: "Wait for Jehovah."
since the angels that followed satan could take on human form and even have sex and bear offspring to females of earth why would satan not have used this avenue instead of talking through a snake .?
which really makes no common sense ?.
why wouldnt eve question how a snake could talk?
Genesis and Revelation both are allegorical. Characters are representation of human behavior. For example, hare and tortoise competed. Story literally never happened, yet we come across hare-like people and tortoise-like people around us.
Similarly, snake represents sin which can communicate with us in any form wherever we are, and yielding to sin brings misery. Once we succumb to sin, then we engage in shifting the blame which shows deep within us we are pure, hence sinning is alien to our nature. Sin destroys the self-respect and makes us feel ashamed.
atheism = self defeating.
first may we define our terms.
the word atheism comes literally from the greek, alpha the negative and theos [for god], therefore “negative god” or there is no god.
That was a new thought to me: atheism requires omniscience.
In other words, a person would have to be God to say there is no God—interesting thought!
this appeared on my facebook today.
can anyone confirm if this has official gb bullshit approval?.
Here is an excerpt from The Atlantic by Lane Wallace, which shows why people cling to irrational beliefs even after proofs existing to the contrary:
“Why do people cling to an opinion even after they are presented with contradictory evidence?” said Lane Wallace. “The easy answer, of course, is simply that people are irrational.” But the way in which they are irrational is telling. In a new study, social science researchers have found that people employ “motivated reasoning to fend off any evidence that their strongly held beliefs are wrong. Many people feel that they are their opinions, and hate to lose arguments; as Vince Lombardi once said, “Every time you lose, you die a little.” So when confronted with new, troubling information, ideologues selectively interpret the facts or use “contorted logic” to make conflicting evidence just go away. In the study, even when presented with “compelling, factual data” from a trusted source, many subjects “still found ways to dismiss it. ” In fact, researchers found that exposing people to contradictory information actually “intensified” their existing beliefs, making them more rigid and entrenched. Needless to say, the findings do not offer much hope of “changing anyone else’s mind with facts or rational discussion.”
i am compiling my list.
you can add yours if you like to.. 1. the hypocrisy in religion.. 2. religion make good people bad and bad people worse and worse people worst.. 3. the false dates given in religion.. 4. religions use their fundamental books to suit their beliefs.. 5. wrong and distorted views about sexual life.
the list goes on.
Each country is making the claim our electricity is the true electricity (American electricity, British electricity, African electricity, …).
Each child in a family is making claim that his father is the true father.
Each religion is claiming its God is the true God.
i have seen this statement or similar ones popping up in the study edition of the wt lately.
whenever they talk about undeserved kindness or jesus ransom they add this little gem to get the point across.
this is sick, why do they feel the need to tear down people's self esteem?
Interestingly, God Himself does not think that we are weak, and in need of undeserved kindness. He simply commands: “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16; Genesis 17:1; Deuteronomy 18:13; 2 Corinthians 7:1) Bible concludes asking us to "inherit" what we have earned: “He that overcomes shall inherit all things.”—Revelation 21:7
i am compiling my list.
you can add yours if you like to.. 1. the hypocrisy in religion.. 2. religion make good people bad and bad people worse and worse people worst.. 3. the false dates given in religion.. 4. religions use their fundamental books to suit their beliefs.. 5. wrong and distorted views about sexual life.
the list goes on.
Of course, best reason is that religion does not have influence on the lives of people. Hence whatever religion is supposed to do must be made part of the school curriculum, and all the religions must be disbanded.
thinking people have always sought a right reason for people to feel self-motivated to love each other (which is the goal of all religions).
in the process each religious leader presented some reasons which were not adequate because division appeared once the founder left the stage.. however, carl sagan (astronomer, astrophysicist, and science-fiction novelist ….etc) got it right when he wrote: “for small creatures, such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love” (contact, chapter 24 p. 430).
when an interviewer said this was the best of his quotes and asked him to put it in simple words, sagan said: “we exist in vastness of the universe, hence should have vast (great) mind of treating every one as residing/subsisting on the same (planet) home who breathe the same air (in contrast to going into smallness of contraction with each one seeking own interest).
You summed up matter very nicely:
"Religion has forgot the heart of the matter....Love God and Love one another." Ironically, they are all travelling in the opposite direction--they teach (by their action) us how to remain divided.