There is no consistency between this illustration and the one immediately preceding to this where we find owner dismissing his manager for “wasting his possessions” and later commending him for repeating the same mistake. (Luke 16:1-8) In one illustration, one who manipulates wealth is praised and in another such one is condemned. Context also does not help because chapter-separation is a later introduction. Jesus started his series of illustrations when “the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus.” (Luke 15:1) Then suddenly “The Pharisees, who loved money” too are mentioned among the audience to listen to the illustration of the rich man and the poor man Lazarus that shows hell is waiting for the money-lovers.
I felt something fishy when I read the illustration in Luke 16:1-8 which makes no sense. It’s like Defense Chief praising Edward Snowden in his attempt to instill more patriotism in his staff. Hence I find human elements in the construction these illustrations.