It is a matter of time that WT society would make this significant change: "The generation of 1935 (585 years of BC + 1935 years into AD = 2520 years) will not pass away until all these things occur."
Posts by venus
Finds in Jerusalem shore up biblical account of Babylonian conquest (586 BCE date)
by Hecce inthis is a nice article about archaeological finds, what caught my attention is the use of 586 bce as the date for the destruction of jerusalem.. according to biblical descriptions, in 586 bce, the babylonian king nebuchadnezzar vanquished the judaean king zedekiah and razed his capital city, jerusalem.
the babylonian captain of the guard nebuzaradan was dispatched into the city, where, as told in the book of jeremiah, he “burned the house of the lord, and the king’s house; and all the houses of jerusalem, even every great man’s house, burned he with fire.”.
Believers: How do you know your view of your chosen holy book is the correct one?
by punkofnice indon't start fighting, darlings.
i am genuinely curious.
after all i was a jobo 50 years and thought the wbt$ was 100% correct.. i ask this because i see that, for example, christian denominations (or whatever), likely have differing interpretations of the same writing.
Any scripture that is open for various interpretations cannot originate from God. If I were born in Saudi Arabia, I would have believed their scripture is naturally my scripture.
Satan exists only in the minds of people
by venus inscripture writers knew that satan had to be created as part of a game.
just like hero needs a villain, police needs crooks, politicians need masses, day needs night … god needs satan, hence they created a satan with human thinking—for example:.
1) satan thinks shape of earth is flat (because he believes that he can see the whole world if he climbs a “high mountain.” (luke 4:5).
When we apply this logic, many accounts in the Bible lose its steam. For example, can a father exalt one child over others, or one nation over others? Can a nation that experienced a great miraculous escape soon turn into calf worship telling a single calf idol: ‘You are our gods, who brought us up out of Egypt’? (Exodus 32:4) Can a nation that experienced millions of miracles from Jesus soon turn to be so mad as to demand “Kill Jesus, and release for us Barabbas!” which would bring them no benefit at all? (Luke 23:18)
Satan exists only in the minds of people
by venus inscripture writers knew that satan had to be created as part of a game.
just like hero needs a villain, police needs crooks, politicians need masses, day needs night … god needs satan, hence they created a satan with human thinking—for example:.
1) satan thinks shape of earth is flat (because he believes that he can see the whole world if he climbs a “high mountain.” (luke 4:5).
Scripture writers knew that Satan had to be created as part of a game. Just like hero needs a villain, police needs crooks, politicians need masses, day needs night … God needs Satan, hence they created a Satan with human thinking—for example:
1) Satan thinks shape of earth is flat (because he believes that he can see the whole world if he climbs a “high mountain.” (Luke 4:5)
2) Satan credulously believes that if he raises an issue regarding a devotee’s integrity God would also come down to his level trying to prove His side (Job 1:9-12) [in reality this never happens—if my adversary tells me “my best friend loves me because of selfish reason, I would only let that accusation pass unheeded”]
3) Satan credulously believes that God would tell His children: “Do not do anything” [do not eat from the tree of good and bad would mean man is prohibited to do anything “good or bad” because any action would fall into the category of good or bad] and makes the mistake of repeating it saying: ‘If you eat of this tree of good and bad (if you do not do anything), you will become like God.’ (Genesis 2:16, 17; 3:1-5) Here Satan never thinks that God may say “do good and avoid bad” but will never say “avoid good and bad.”
The old "Book Study Group"
by The Fall Guy inin the june 2004 kingdom ministry, the self-appointed "faithful slave" published this spiritual exhortation as a q&a item - "the congregation book study—why we need it.
three years later, in 2007 - in the august kingdom ministry - the same "slave" issued this reminder - "how the congregation book study arrangement helps us.
but surprise, surprise - within a few short months the "slave" decided that jehovah had had a change of heart, and now decided that the book study in homes - with all of its alleged benefits - was superfluous: .
This is typical of any teaching of human origin.
At one point, you have to say: Sun rises in the East,
At another point, you have to say: Where sun rises is East,
and yet at another point, you have to say: Sun never rises in the East nor sets in the West.
Is true religion all about being serious?
by venus inamidst of many barriers such as no birthday celebration, no blood transfusion, no voting, no political career, no military service, no national anthem, no higher studies ….. i felt handicapped.
isn’t seriousness of the ego and joyfulness of egolessness?
isn’t true religion all about a celebration of life?
Amidst of many barriers such as no birthday celebration, no blood transfusion, no voting, no political career, no military service, no national anthem, no higher studies ….. I felt handicapped. Isn’t seriousness of the ego and joyfulness of egolessness? Isn’t true religion all about a celebration of life? (Luke 12:27)
Verifiable proof of Jesus' existance outside the Bible
by unsure inthought i'd start a separate discussion on the subject.. those who know me know i'm struggling with faith; i want to believe, some days i do but it becomes difficult.. many believers say there is verifiable proof of jesus' existence outside of the bible.. please post this proof..
Jesus supposedly foretold vaguely many unfavorable things for his disciples in the last days (Mathew 24) ; yet failed to foretell the favorable development of Internet which can positively affect the preaching of his gospel--something that is impossible if he were really a historical person.
Verifiable proof of Jesus' existance outside the Bible
by unsure inthought i'd start a separate discussion on the subject.. those who know me know i'm struggling with faith; i want to believe, some days i do but it becomes difficult.. many believers say there is verifiable proof of jesus' existence outside of the bible.. please post this proof..
The greatest miracle is that the man who supposedly performed many miracles and supposedly brought the very separation of history into BC and AD left no historical proof of himself having ever passed through history!
If scholars admit now that certain portions of the Bible are added later (such as those now put into brackets), it casts doubt on rest of the portions too.
Jesus Christ was anti-family
by deegee instrong family ties & family values did not matter to jesus:.
- a person must hate his or her family and themselves in order to be jesus’ disciple (matthew 10:37; luke 14:26).
- jesus will give a big reward to those who forsake their family, abandon their home, leave their family behind for him.
His fleshly family was extremely critical and used to call him "senseless" (Mark 3:21) which may have had a bearing on his teaching. That means his teaching was not universal, but he was the offspring of his time and circumstance which paved the way for numerous sects in the future as each one understood his teachings differently.
Jesus Christ was anti-family
by deegee instrong family ties & family values did not matter to jesus:.
- a person must hate his or her family and themselves in order to be jesus’ disciple (matthew 10:37; luke 14:26).
- jesus will give a big reward to those who forsake their family, abandon their home, leave their family behind for him.
Interpreters say what Jesus meant was to keep family ties secondary. But if that is what Jesus really meant, what is the difficulty for Jesus to say "keep your family ties secondary" rather than going round about and say "A person must hate his or her family and themselves in order to be Jesus’ disciple"? A religious teacher must be crystal clear like explaining traffic signal: Red means STOP; Green means START leaving no opportunity for any one to interpret them.