natural calamities, everyone (despite one’s faith) is affected. When one denies
God’s existence, he experiences no punishment from Him. When one worships Him,
he receives no special favor from Him. This is true even in the case of a
nation which runs like a thread through the Bible.
A tribal religion that was practicing
idolatry (Joshua 24:2) somehow felt superior to others and sanctified this
feeling by claiming that God had chosen it over others (something God would
never do—Deuteronomy 10:17).
Under this claim of special
relationship with God, it evolved into a conquering nation (Numbers 31) while
at times experiencing defeats also, and finally manages to establish a
so-called ‘theocratic’ kingdom which lasted for some time.
Then this ‘theocracy’ was overthrown by
a pagan king who also burned its prestigious temple of worship which obviously
caused a theological crisis (irony of theocracy being overpowered by pagans!!!???).
Then a theology of a Messiah was
evolved. It is taught that Messiah, as a Conqueror, would finally restore what
has been lost (Isaiah 9:6-7), thus a long waiting for Messiah started.
When Messiah did come, instead of Him conquering
the pagans, he was killed (which was never foreseen—Mathew 21:33-39) again by
pagans paving the way for further evolution.
Messiah’s death was interpreted as
God’s way of taking away of sin from the world (John 1:29), thus an
incomprehensible teaching of ransom was evolved.
Sin was not taken away, nor has the restoration
taken place so far. Hence a teaching of second coming of the Messiah was
evolved, and waiting continues ever after two thousand years.
During this waiting period, a group
somehow feels superior to others and sanctifies this feeling by claiming that
God had chosen it over others (something God would never do—Deuteronomy 10:17) appointing
them as the “faithful and discreet slave” class (Mathew 24:45) to distribute
spiritual food at the proper time which was either revised or replaced several
times from its inception from 1876 thus repudiating its own claim of being
appointed by God.
In all
these religious evolution, God obviously plays no role. This could be
interpreted as either proof of His non-existence or His majesty that comes from
His policy of non-intervention.