That means present-day JWs who believe that every verse of the Bible are inspired are more zealous than their founder (like subjects being more patriotic than the king)
what are your biggest, funniest, scariest, etc.... wait wt says there are non hahahah.
That means present-day JWs who believe that every verse of the Bible are inspired are more zealous than their founder (like subjects being more patriotic than the king)
in natural calamities, everyone (despite one’s faith) is affected.
when one denies god’s existence, he experiences no punishment from him.
when one worships him, he receives no special favor from him.
You ask: "What is your pick of the two?"
My position is simple: God exists, but He doesn't want anybody's worship/validation (means all scriptures have misrepresented Him)
what are your biggest, funniest, scariest, etc.... wait wt says there are non hahahah.
"No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.”—John 3:13
It means only Jesus who descended from heaven has gone into heaven, no one else has gone into heaven! Jesus ascended into heaven at the end of his ministry, after his death. Hence how could he say he has ascended into heaven at the start of his ministry?"
Nice point and perfect reasoning.
This shows writers were not thoughtful of what they were saying.
Even when they speak
about major subjects such as death, they are drawn by human thinking. For
example, death is a curse or punishment for Bible writers whereas the truth is
that death is a blessing, like a speed-breaker on road. What if there is no
death, if one goes on growing more and more vibrant physically, perfecting his
skills and talents, and even growing in money power, influence ….etc.? He would
probably behave like King David described in the Bible stealing anybody’s wife
after killing her husband, or like Kim Jong-un …Because, when the body
is in upward growth, people in general, tend to grow in desires and self-importance,
and when the body is in reverse growth towards complete collapse and thus
experience suffering, people in general begin to lose the basis for keeping their
desires and self-importance. Thus suffering and death teach us this great
lesson: to feel self-important is meaningless.
i was chatting with my very jw pioneer mother (aged 65) and out of the blue she tells me she is sore from a particular pose she did in yoga class.
"wait, what??
" i say in my mind.
My hard-core JW family members consider yoga as a subtle tool the demons use to get true worshipers to their side.
in natural calamities, everyone (despite one’s faith) is affected.
when one denies god’s existence, he experiences no punishment from him.
when one worships him, he receives no special favor from him.
Religions wrongly presented God as a narcissist seeking worship from others; hence many found the whole concept about Him as non-sense which proves that God gives us freedom even to deny Him.
Yet the fact is that He is the giver of worship (not recipient of worship). For example, when a child is born, or when a child grows and accomplishes something parents say (outwardly or inwardly): “Look at him, he is our child.” By saying this parents unwittingly take credit for something which came into existence without them doing any programming, and it is almost like enjoying pleasure of being worshiped.
Truth is that parents were only seeking sexual pleasure from each other, and in the process a child came into existence.
what are your biggest, funniest, scariest, etc.... wait wt says there are non hahahah.
“The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.” (Ezekiel 18:20)
Apostle Paul did not know about this; hence he devised something against this in Romans 5:12-21 without thinking there exists an avalanche of proofs against this. We find variety of people acting/reacting differently in same situation: Some do more righteous acts, some do more sinful acts, and others mix them in varying degrees, one-time sinners changing into saints, one-time saints changing into sinners, some very poor people who refuse to steal, and some very wealthy people who steal in various ways… etc. This shows people choose to act the way they like which means they are not sinners from birth—resulting in all sorts of people from sinless to the sinful ones. Interestingly, even Bible makes many references to some sinless persons who lived in the ancient times (Genesis 5:24; Job 1:8; Psalm 18:23; Ezekiel 14:14; Luke 1:6 …etc.) and human capacity to perform righteousness. (Habakkuk 2:4; Hebrews 10:38)
the great pyramid and the flood of noah.
_________________________________if your world view rests firmly upon the foundation of bible accuracy matching the reality of history, sooner or later you’ll crash into the question of when the great pyramid was built.why?let’s see why…2 peter 3:5-6 complete jewish bible (cjb).
5 but, wanting so much to be right about this, they overlook the fact that it was by god’s word that long ago there were heavens, and there was land which arose out of water and existed between the waters, 6 and that by means of these things the world of that time was flooded with water and destroyed.________________________________________________.
Philosophically too, God cannot act the way He supposedly did--causing more trouble to Noah's and his family than the world that is supposedly destroyed in a matter of minutes. But think of the hardship of Noah building such a huge ark to save rest of the lives.
All-wise God would definitely have better option than this.
in natural calamities, everyone (despite one’s faith) is affected.
when one denies god’s existence, he experiences no punishment from him.
when one worships him, he receives no special favor from him.
You correctly read my mind
in natural calamities, everyone (despite one’s faith) is affected.
when one denies god’s existence, he experiences no punishment from him.
when one worships him, he receives no special favor from him.
In natural calamities, everyone (despite one’s faith) is affected. When one denies God’s existence, he experiences no punishment from Him. When one worships Him, he receives no special favor from Him. This is true even in the case of a nation which runs like a thread through the Bible.
1) A tribal religion that was practicing idolatry (Joshua 24:2) somehow felt superior to others and sanctified this feeling by claiming that God had chosen it over others (something God would never do—Deuteronomy 10:17).
2) Under this claim of special relationship with God, it evolved into a conquering nation (Numbers 31) while at times experiencing defeats also, and finally manages to establish a so-called ‘theocratic’ kingdom which lasted for some time.
3) Then this ‘theocracy’ was overthrown by a pagan king who also burned its prestigious temple of worship which obviously caused a theological crisis (irony of theocracy being overpowered by pagans!!!???).
4) Then a theology of a Messiah was evolved. It is taught that Messiah, as a Conqueror, would finally restore what has been lost (Isaiah 9:6-7), thus a long waiting for Messiah started.
5) When Messiah did come, instead of Him conquering the pagans, he was killed (which was never foreseen—Mathew 21:33-39) again by pagans paving the way for further evolution.
6) Messiah’s death was interpreted as God’s way of taking away of sin from the world (John 1:29), thus an incomprehensible teaching of ransom was evolved.
7) Sin was not taken away, nor has the restoration taken place so far. Hence a teaching of second coming of the Messiah was evolved, and waiting continues ever after two thousand years.
8) During this waiting period, a group somehow feels superior to others and sanctifies this feeling by claiming that God had chosen it over others (something God would never do—Deuteronomy 10:17) appointing them as the “faithful and discreet slave” class (Mathew 24:45) to distribute spiritual food at the proper time which was either revised or replaced several times from its inception from 1876 thus repudiating its own claim of being appointed by God.
In all these religious evolution, God obviously plays no role. This could be interpreted as either proof of His non-existence or His majesty that comes from His policy of non-intervention.
i was listening to an interview of a hollywood actress.
when the interviewer brought to her attention a criticism somebody made against her, she replied in sheer dispassion: “he doesn’t need my permission to criticize me.”.
i rated in my mind this as the height of spirituality because spirituality is egolessness.
wake me up before you jo-ho,
I don't know the name, and interview had already been in progress when I switched on the TV and I missed much of the interview except this vital part.
This one sentence changed my life for the better. It highlights the importance of acceptance which is the only thing we can do because others have their freedom to speak/act the way they like--why should it affect. Even God is least bothered what others speak about Him.