We are all fascinated by the thought that ‘I am
financially independent, physically independent….’
Yet if asked
“Am I emotionally independent?” we may not because we often dance according to
the behavior pattern of others!
If asked “Am I spiritually independent?” we may not
because we may already be conditioned by atheists or religionists. We are all
individuals (from the root in + divisible),
hence unique which means we should have our own view about God.
Intelligence (from Latin intelligere) literally means reading between the lines. In other
words, it’s all about seeing behind the obvious/events/happening/things and
arriving at intuitive discernment; or seeing with third eye. Someone sent you a
gift of flower. Seeing only the flower is ordinary seeing, and seeing also the
love behind that gift is real seeing. When
you see cards arranged as a pyramid you do not see more important aspect
of it; yet eyes of your mind can see forces acting in various directions,
nullifying each other thus making the pyramid shape possible.
When you see a seed it is ordinary seeing; but
seeing within it also the invisible program in which memories of all the future
generations remain protected is real seeing. When you see many farm fields in
which only one has cultivation, eyes of your mind would see a cultivator who planted
seeds in one but did not do so with rest of the fields. Similarly, when we see various
forms of life on earth and rest of the universe barren, our third eye would see
a Greater Cultivator who planted seeds of life on earth but did not do so with
rest of the universe which highlights the fact that it takes a Cultivator to
bring forms of life.
That means a great Cultivator exists. The fact that
He has never spoken to humans shows that He is not interested in our worship! He
has given us, in abundance, provisions to enjoy life. But our greed has brought
suffering on earth. Should we hold God responsible for this or should bring a
needed change in our attitude and make this earth a paradise again! See, some
parts of the earth is already like a paradise which means if we want we can
make the whole earth a paradise again!