waton, I liked your point: “Often there are surprises when silent and distant parents have their will read.”
Non-communication God is not useless because communication can be in many levels. As a parent when you make sure your children get inheritance according to each one deserves, there is a communication in that act. Similarly, God has put in an invisible mechanism whereby every one receives what he deserves or takes birth where he deserves to be in. It takes more than ordinary seeing to see this. Ordinary eyes see an action or happening separately [often lamenting “why it happened to me”] where as the authentic eyes see it as part of a flow! Science knows nothing happens isolated which Sir Isac Newton detailed it through three laws of motion. Then there is STRING THEORY, also called, Theory of Everything (ToE) which suggests that the fundamental “positive-energy unit” in our universe is not “elementary particles” but vastly smaller “strings of energy” and thus gives a common explanation for the four main forces seen in nature [the electromagnetic force, the strong and weak nuclear force and gravity]. In other words, when you apply the laws, principles and relationships of physics to the four fundamental forces and all the associated elementary particles then sit back and watch, you would see the universe unfold as it should—no different from what it is now. Scottish physicist Peter Higgs (Nobel Prize laureate for his work on the mass of subatomic particles) envisioned an energy field where particles interact with a key particle, the Higgs boson. Richard Feynman (Nobel Prize winner for quantum electrodynamics) said, "Why nature is mathematical is a mystery...The fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle." (The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist by Richard Feynman) Such teachings are now abundant. All these scientific visions of everything being run by precise laws and being connected points to the existence of God who doesn’t have to intervene or communicate with us. Accepting the truth that everything is linked and everything that happens is governed by laws gives us inner peace and we begin to see any event in its totality—many factors and forces are at work, and we agree that whatever happened should happen the way it did! Such a person would stop asking why, but always say “wow” which is a sign that life has become a celebration.