You know, me and my twin sister started the Bible study with JWs together. When the chapter on Universal Issue was over I dropped the studies with JWs and my sister continued. This subject I will never digest.
all other religions have myths that show satan as inferior to god almighty.
but only jw religion portrays satan more powerful than god through their teaching of “issue of sovereignty” which implies god almighty needs validation from satan as though he waits till satan is satisfied which has not happened even after killing of jesus 2000 years ago and things like ethnic cleansing, spilling of oceans of blood ….
all other religions have myths that show satan as inferior to god almighty.
but only jw religion portrays satan more powerful than god through their teaching of “issue of sovereignty” which implies god almighty needs validation from satan as though he waits till satan is satisfied which has not happened even after killing of jesus 2000 years ago and things like ethnic cleansing, spilling of oceans of blood ….
With the Creator no creature can raise any issue because Creator is supreme in the sense of justice and source of justice for creatures, hence universal issue is a non-issue. Satan himself doesn’t exist, if he did exist, he would have known the shape of earth to be a globe—not as flat (Satan is supposedly took Jesus to the top of the mountain to show him all the kingdoms of the earth—here Satan reflects the erroneous belief of the 1st century people, hence Satan is the imaginary figure).
Even if Satan exists, Jehovah doesn’t have to wait for the time Satan is satisfied in the case of universal issue—it is like God seeking validation from His creature to be a Creator.
Before Satan’s fall, they represent him only as an angel of limited existence. After his fall, he becomes, by their account, omnipresent as though. He exists everywhere trying to influence even the thoughts of believers. Not only Satan was unwittingly deified, but they represent him as defeating, by stratagem, all the power and wisdom of the Almighty. They represent him as having compelled the Almighty to the direct necessity either of surrendering the whole of the creation to the government and sovereignty of this Satan, or of capitulating for its redemption by coming down upon earth, and exhibiting his innocent son (another injustice) upon a cross in the shape of a man. Had the inventors of this story told it the contrary way, that is, had they represented the Almighty as compelling Satan to exhibit himself on a cross, in the shape of a snake, as a punishment for his new transgression, the story would have been less absurd- less contradictory. But instead of this, they make the transgressor triumph, and the Almighty fall.
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
Yesterday you referred to a famine-stricken child's photo. An African poor child does not reveal anything about God; but it does reveal the thoughtless behavior of the parents who bring them into birth when they themselves do not have anything even to eat. It only reveals that they have not learned from some of the rich people who can afford to have 1000's of children yet choose to have only one or two. When the resources are dwindling, humans should go for one child and spend all their resources on one child which would have been scattered over many children, and bring up that one child as an asset to the society. If this is the case with all parents, who will dare to waste their lives joining organizations such as terror group, drug group, criminal gangs ...etc.
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
Yes, humans can. Nature is only returning all the harm humans inflicted on it. See what happens if humans undo all the harm done to nature, and restart human life on earth as a real worldwide family based on love caring for nature and all the animals. Nature will change accordingly.
If animals could sense in advance and moved to safer places just before the 2004 Asian tsunami (https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/01/0104_050104_tsunami_animals.html) why can’t humans do so? This is because humans are so busy with living in noise coming from within and without. See what happens when you still your mind and listen to the presence of tranquility within, you will also able to act in premonition just like those animals.
Also, not all natural calamities are nature's retaliation. (https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/america-israel-india-caused-tsunami-conspiracy-theory-says)
all other religions have myths that show satan as inferior to god almighty.
but only jw religion portrays satan more powerful than god through their teaching of “issue of sovereignty” which implies god almighty needs validation from satan as though he waits till satan is satisfied which has not happened even after killing of jesus 2000 years ago and things like ethnic cleansing, spilling of oceans of blood ….
Don't link me with any religion just because I wrote under another OP that I believe in God. I am against all religions that exists for money that come from the believers, and I have no religion. As for my profession, I work for Forbes magazine; also practice Past Regression therapy as hobby (not charging any fee) which I learned under my guru Brian L Weiss. My knowledge about JW is from my twin sister who is a zealous Witness who is working as air hostess with BA.
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
You have no enthusiasm because of your atheistic disposition which is understandable. I have no problem in believing in a God who is responsible for the fine-tuning of earth so that various forms of life can enjoy their lives here.
The fact that God is not doing anything to remove suffering is not a problem for me to disbelieve in Him because we all know humans are capable of removing suffering, but they are not inclined to do (they are even inclined to increase the suffering)
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
‘God is unconditional love’ is an ear-tickling saying of the religionists when they wrongly apply it to individuals--especially when they commit sin. His unconditional love is towards the whole mankind (not to individuals when they perform acts—good or bad). Do we not see a fair creation prepared to receive us the instant we are born- a world furnished to our hands, that cost us nothing? Is it we that light up the sun, that pour down the rain, and fill the earth with abundance? Whether we sleep or wake, the vast machinery of the universe still goes on.
all other religions have myths that show satan as inferior to god almighty.
but only jw religion portrays satan more powerful than god through their teaching of “issue of sovereignty” which implies god almighty needs validation from satan as though he waits till satan is satisfied which has not happened even after killing of jesus 2000 years ago and things like ethnic cleansing, spilling of oceans of blood ….
To JW religion, issue of Universal Sovereignty is the primary teaching in importance. And that's where they made such a fatal error. In Hinduism, there is no personal God. They are simply symbolizing the war that is going on within each individual through their myths. Very naming of the mythical characters proves this--symbol of quality.
all other religions have myths that show satan as inferior to god almighty.
but only jw religion portrays satan more powerful than god through their teaching of “issue of sovereignty” which implies god almighty needs validation from satan as though he waits till satan is satisfied which has not happened even after killing of jesus 2000 years ago and things like ethnic cleansing, spilling of oceans of blood ….
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
Interesting question! In effect, you are asking "is law of cause and consequence working according to conditional love or unconditional love?
Experience shows it's just blind--you can bring it to your benefit if you want or to your harm if you want--it is you who decide it. For example, use moderation in your eating habit, it brings good health comparatively. Use excesses, you will reduce your life-span.