God would not say: “You should not eat from the tree of good
and bad, which would make you like me” because through Jesus He said: ‘You must
become like Me by imitating the qualities of sun whose only concern is giving
(of light and warmth) which means having no expectation of anything from anybody’
(Mathew 5:44-48)
This also means we should have no human teachers because we
can have answer to any questions by ourselves, through inference. (Pro 25:2) How
to go about inferring? Plaeontologists are the best example. The
first dinosaur that was named Iguanodon in
the 1825 in England was not from several hundred individual
bones but from just a tooth brought to Dr. Gideon Mantell,
English obstetrician, geologist and palaeontologist, who then constructed a
hypothesis about the appearance of the whole skeleton and flesh.
contrast to palaeontologists, we have more pieces and have to infer on one
missing piece. For example, earth is fine-tuned for life and for its enjoyment
which would need careful planning and millions of pieces of work being put
together. Looking at these wonderful works, one poet wrote “I am like a musical
instrument to sing eternal praises to YOU, and you are the music of my life …”
only problem with apparently no easy solution is: “Why suffering exists, and
why is He not doing anything about if He is a loving Father?” Some may even
feel that He is not doing anything, hence He doesn’t exist. The way Governments
function gives a clue as to what could be the answer. We cannot say there
exists no Government because if it did exist, it would have done something to
remove the suffering in the prisons. Prison is just one of the many activities
Government has performed. Its other welfare activities are many such as
construction of parks, highways, bridges, hospitals ….etc. Just like these
activities are for a purpose, prisons are also for a purpose. We don’t have to
see everything to come to a conclusion—by seeing the harvest we can also discern
the sowing.
Even about the purpose of life, we don’t have to go very far
because answer lies in our very name—human being. The highest state of spirituality is at the
level of just being—with no prejudice, no complex superior or inferior. Our
normal state is joy. A person in this state of joy is in harmony within and
without by just being aware of the present moment. Learn from the past, plan
for the future but live in/enjoy the present, aware of your real Self within,
the principle of consciousness which is like axis to our body. When it enters,
body starts functioning, and when it exits, body stops working; and this has
been happening from time immemorial. What was into the past infinite, and what
will be to future infinite …. is not our concern because there is no way we can
know. We know everyone is sustained by the same air, water … This is true of everyone, which gives us
reason to love others as ourselves which would attract good relationships
towards us, which in turn make our lives more meaningful.