I would capture your reaction in the following scenario:
Raining is good news for an umbrella merchant whereas it’s sorrow for a potter.
every theory (including darwin’s) primarily proves someone has to design a theory; every product primarily proves someone has to design it.
when neil armstrong and buzz aldrin landed on the moon it primarily proved intelligence of many people had to design that moon-mission.. 1) if every machine primarily proves someone designed it, then a much more complex, wonderful, and living machine with reproductive feature would mean the same: someone with corresponding ability, of higher energy, designed it because effect explains the cause just like harvest explains the sowing (whether you saw sowing or not).
science shows human body is like a complex machinery with many departments/systems (such as respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular/circulatory, renal/urinary, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, integumentary/exocrine, lymphatic/immune, reproductive etc.
I would capture your reaction in the following scenario:
Raining is good news for an umbrella merchant whereas it’s sorrow for a potter.
i noticed a young brother with a beard being given more privelages within our hall.
when he first grew his beard, he lost his privelages.
but more and more recently he has been helping out a lot more.. the cobe is old school and a stickler for rules, but with the hall becoming more empty these days, and the need for young brothers, he seems to have relaxed on this particular watchtower/man made rule.
Such diluting of standard is typical of human writers. To dilute the self-evident statement in Genesis 1:29, 30 (which says about decreed vegetarian food for both animals and humans), humans writers invented a global flood (which wipes out vegetarian food) to introduce non-vegetarian diet. (Genesis 9:3, 4)
every theory (including darwin’s) primarily proves someone has to design a theory; every product primarily proves someone has to design it.
when neil armstrong and buzz aldrin landed on the moon it primarily proved intelligence of many people had to design that moon-mission.. 1) if every machine primarily proves someone designed it, then a much more complex, wonderful, and living machine with reproductive feature would mean the same: someone with corresponding ability, of higher energy, designed it because effect explains the cause just like harvest explains the sowing (whether you saw sowing or not).
science shows human body is like a complex machinery with many departments/systems (such as respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular/circulatory, renal/urinary, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, integumentary/exocrine, lymphatic/immune, reproductive etc.
It is already there in the OP "conscious energy that cannot be created nor destroyed"
It had no beginnin and no end; hence no concern for us
every theory (including darwin’s) primarily proves someone has to design a theory; every product primarily proves someone has to design it.
when neil armstrong and buzz aldrin landed on the moon it primarily proved intelligence of many people had to design that moon-mission.. 1) if every machine primarily proves someone designed it, then a much more complex, wonderful, and living machine with reproductive feature would mean the same: someone with corresponding ability, of higher energy, designed it because effect explains the cause just like harvest explains the sowing (whether you saw sowing or not).
science shows human body is like a complex machinery with many departments/systems (such as respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular/circulatory, renal/urinary, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, integumentary/exocrine, lymphatic/immune, reproductive etc.
You are asking: "Do you thing there will be any long term effects of repressing the memories as you led her to do? Or is this a permanent overwrite of those memories?"
It is permanent overwrite--no harm is done just like you had a dream and you forgot about it. From your inability to recall a bad dream/nightmare, no harm is done. This is done in the spirit and principle of "To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it." I simply help the victim not to remember the harm done to them.
You might have heard about Dr. John Demartini, who used the affirmation towards himself: “I’m a genius and I apply my wisdom”, throughout his lifetime to accomplish amazing results and achieved outstanding success in his life. What he did to himself is done, under hypnosis, to somebody else.
every theory (including darwin’s) primarily proves someone has to design a theory; every product primarily proves someone has to design it.
when neil armstrong and buzz aldrin landed on the moon it primarily proved intelligence of many people had to design that moon-mission.. 1) if every machine primarily proves someone designed it, then a much more complex, wonderful, and living machine with reproductive feature would mean the same: someone with corresponding ability, of higher energy, designed it because effect explains the cause just like harvest explains the sowing (whether you saw sowing or not).
science shows human body is like a complex machinery with many departments/systems (such as respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular/circulatory, renal/urinary, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, integumentary/exocrine, lymphatic/immune, reproductive etc.
Reading the above, some may feel like asking: What is the Source of your information?
Source is my own reading in between the lines, lectures, theories, experiences [intelligence, from intellegere, Latin, literally “read between lines” would actually mean reading between lines/happening and arriving at intuitive discernment]. After my clinical psychology study, I also learned Past Regression Therapy to practice it as a hobby (not for money) especially to help hapless victims. The best case I handled was of one teenage girl who was brutally gang-raped and thus went into deep depression. Parents tried every form of treatment—nothing worked. Her teacher was my class mate who told me to help her. She brought her to my house. I asked her, under hypnosis, to relate what happened. When she described every detail I stopped. In the next session, I asked her to relate what happened. When the scene before the rape came, I started saying forcefully—No, you didn’t go there, you were in such and such place, doing such and such thing, along with such and such people … thus replaced all her rape-memory with something else. After the session she never remembers anything about rape—completely normal and cheerful.
My theoretical studies and experiences that come from encounters with subconscious minds of other people make it too obvious that an inner creator exists in everybody.
every theory (including darwin’s) primarily proves someone has to design a theory; every product primarily proves someone has to design it.
when neil armstrong and buzz aldrin landed on the moon it primarily proved intelligence of many people had to design that moon-mission.. 1) if every machine primarily proves someone designed it, then a much more complex, wonderful, and living machine with reproductive feature would mean the same: someone with corresponding ability, of higher energy, designed it because effect explains the cause just like harvest explains the sowing (whether you saw sowing or not).
science shows human body is like a complex machinery with many departments/systems (such as respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular/circulatory, renal/urinary, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, integumentary/exocrine, lymphatic/immune, reproductive etc.
Every theory (including Darwin’s) primarily proves someone has to design a theory; every product primarily proves someone has to design it. When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon it primarily proved intelligence of many people had to design that moon-mission.
1) If every machine primarily proves someone designed it, then a much more complex, wonderful, and living machine with reproductive feature would mean the same: someone with corresponding ability, of higher energy, designed it because effect explains the cause just like harvest explains the sowing (whether you saw sowing or not). Science shows human body is like a complex machinery with many departments/systems (such as respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular/circulatory, renal/urinary, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, integumentary/exocrine, lymphatic/immune, reproductive etc.) made up of at least 94 elements. The brain, of course, is the crown jewel of our nervous system. “The average human brain has about 100 billion neurons (or nerve cells) and many more neuroglia (or glial cells) which serve to support and protect the neurons. Each neuron may be connected to up to 10,000 other neurons, passing signals to each other via as many as 1,000 trillion synaptic connections.” ( Even to count them at the rate of one per second we need millions of years. And that’s still not the end of the matter. What’s relevant is how many ways each cell can connect with the others.
2) And this is everybody’s experience: when something spiritual enters, body [in the womb] starts functioning, and when it exits body stops functioning, which means something not physical, a spirit factor, is more important than body parts! That is why we sense that complete whole is more complete than just the sum of its parts, as the word “holistic” being defined: “The view that an organic or integrated whole has a reality independent of and greater than the sum of its parts.” (Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary) That means there is an invisible spirit entity that hold all the parts, organs and body systems together and that make me feel I am constitutionally whole, because of which I know that I am more than this body, something of higher energy. It is too obvious that something other than physical should be at work because even when we are sleeping and daydreaming, internal activity is nonstop. No wonder Yoshinori Ohsumi, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, said in his acceptance lecture in December 2016: “Life is an equilibrium state between synthesis and degradation of proteins.” In similar vein, French physiologist, Claude Bernard, wrote: “Stability of internal environment (in the body) is the condition for free and independent life.” Words such as, systems, coordination, connecting, equilibrium, synthesis, stability, design… all point to the work of something higher and spiritual. That means, under the Process of Elimination, one has to answer to the primary question (Who am I?): “I am not elements that make up my body; I am not this body, nor the mind, nor the intellect, nor a set of memories, but I am conscious energy that cannot be created nor destroyed.” Simply put, I am a spiritual entity that uses this physical body as my vehicle.
3) This is what even our very name—human being too implies. The word human is from humus [Latin] which denotes soil, and being is all about essence/spirit of a person. Thus a human being is described as spirit using body as its vehicle; and spirituality is to live according to this knowledge. The highest state of spirituality is at the level of just being, living according to one’s true identity, with no ignorance, no prejudice, no complex (superior or inferior). One’s normal state is joy. A person in this state of joy is in harmony within and without by just being aware of the present moment, which attracts good relationship towards him. His life is simple—he learns from the past, plans for the future but lives in/enjoys the present.
how do we explain the marital role with what paul said in 1 cor.
“but i want you to realize that the head of every man is christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of christ is god.” (niv).
read a few chapters earlier at 1 corinthians 7 to see what paul does say about the relationships between husband and wife.
Apostle Paul is known for his reverse understanding. It is too obvious that God did say man had become imperfect by somebody's sin because He categorically told Cain "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” (Gen 4:6,7)
Yet Paul understood it as man having no control over sin. Hence if you want to get the truth, you must often take just opposite of what Paul says.
god would not say: “you should not eat from the tree of good and bad, which would make you like me” because through jesus he said: ‘you must become like me by imitating the qualities of sun whose only concern is giving (of light and warmth) which means having no expectation of anything from anybody’ (mathew 5:44-48) .
this also means we should have no human teachers because we can have answer to any questions by ourselves, through inference.
(pro 25:2) how to go about inferring?
We have seen how nature reacts when we let greed to rule our lives and when we remain divided. Now let us watch how nature would react when we let love to rule our lives and when we remain united like a family caring even for the animals. Nature would respond according to change of attitude of its inhabitants. (compare Genesis 4:13, 14)
From my personal life, I have observed there is violation of law(s) behind suffering, and there is observance of law(s) behind well-being. Both well-being (when laws are observed) and ill-effects (when laws are violated) are results of some laws that are at work, like two sides of a coin. For example, in skillful cooking, delicious dishes are produced which means some laws are perfectly observed. In careless cooking, what you cook is burned, or food item being turned black into carbon, which again means some laws are at work. Living things contain the element carbon. That is because many organic compounds are present in living things such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. Organic compounds contain both the elements Hydrogen and Carbon besides any other elements that may be present in a compound. Therefore, anything that was once alive that you cook and subsequently burn, will turn black and the charred material will definitely contain the element carbon. The unexpected ill-effects from violating some laws are felt as suffering and as bad.
What I said about cooking is a sample. There is violation of laws behind every calamity--causes of some are known, causes of others are yet to be known. Everything happens according to some law.
god would not say: “you should not eat from the tree of good and bad, which would make you like me” because through jesus he said: ‘you must become like me by imitating the qualities of sun whose only concern is giving (of light and warmth) which means having no expectation of anything from anybody’ (mathew 5:44-48) .
this also means we should have no human teachers because we can have answer to any questions by ourselves, through inference.
(pro 25:2) how to go about inferring?
Finkelstein, you rightly read my mind when you wrote: "I can see where Venus is coming from where he states that humans can change things."
I know a Chairman of a group of companies with 695699 employees who can afford to have many wives and 1000s of children did not marry, and do not have children, while poor parents, despite being in abject poverty, are ruled by their lust and expect God to ensure that no children are born to them. Many of such children born to them are not well-cared for, finally end up becoming criminals or terrorists.
I know another rich man who could afford to have many children, yet preferred to have only one child, a female, whom he reared so well that she was elected to the highest position of the country for four terms.
god would not say: “you should not eat from the tree of good and bad, which would make you like me” because through jesus he said: ‘you must become like me by imitating the qualities of sun whose only concern is giving (of light and warmth) which means having no expectation of anything from anybody’ (mathew 5:44-48) .
this also means we should have no human teachers because we can have answer to any questions by ourselves, through inference.
(pro 25:2) how to go about inferring?
Hi deegee,
I am working for Forbes, hence familiar with what is going on in the world, and aware of all those things you mentioned--they are all exceptions, and also things have not been so from the beginning. If humans divert the time for accumulating things which they seldom use, all those perversions can be reversed.
For example, dogs that happen to be with vegetarian masters complete their life-span eating vegetarian food. ( There have been cases of little lamb being saved by lion from chasing cheetah, and lamb continued to grow with the lion. (Discovery Channel) Romans have a coin made in memory of a lion that refused to eat Androcles when he was thrown into hungry lion because Androcles was recognized by the lion as one who helped a thorn to be removed from its leg years back when it was a baby in the forest. ( Even I have been saved by dolphins when I had an unexpected accident while surfing. All these show things can change if humans want.
Sometimes our own body shake while we are asleep like earthquake—there could be some reason we don’t know. If we are not careful about what to eat, how much to eat …. and what to feed our mind … etc our body would behave like turbulent climate. If thinking of humans collectively become negative and hurtful it would have its corresponding changes in the environment too. Though account of Cain and Abel symbolizes two type of people, aftereffects of spilling blood on earth is symbolically described in Genesis 4 saying earth would retaliate. No disease occurs without any reason—some reasons are discernible and some are not. Even when some know certain habits (such as smoking, drinking alcohol …etc) invite diseases they still continue with it. Everyone should know what to eat, and how much to eat ...etc. But people often choose to go by convenience rather than conviction. For example, everyone knows exploiting the weak is wrong. Yet many humans kill lesser beings, eat their flesh and make a celebration out of their suffering. Even though fondly called non-vegetarian, in reality it is corpse; and killing and eating corpse are violation of the very first law found in the first book of the Bible (Genesis 1:29) which is the scripture for three major religions—Jews, Christians and Muslims. Like any other violation of law, this too will have its consequence in the form of diseases. (“Poisons in Your Body,” by Mary and Steven Null). Look at the damage just this one human habit causes besides health hazards: It is “an area 1.5 times the size of the European Union” that is being wasted for animal farming, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). ( dt 4.10.2017). When a part of human family suffers from poverty, about 5.5 billion people—up to 76% of the world's population—are `overfat', which invite various diseases. What you feed your mind also matters—every time you are negative having ego, lust, anger, greed, hatred … etc, you create a biochemical reaction in your physical body, which progressively destroys your immune system and your health.
Only when all humans live like a family, then only we will know what could be the real condition of our earth, environment, animals …etc.