Why can't all religion be true? Religions differ only in details, but behind the details all
religious stories/scriptures are same. What is new becomes old/decadent in time
which is again made new by God Almighty. This would mean God’s role is only to
renew when situation necessitates, on wholesale basis, which would mean that there is no intervention in the case of
individuals and in each individual use of free-will.
This is in
harmony even with two opposing isms—Theism and Atheism: Theism says “From the
more comes the less,” and atheism says “from the less comes the more” [as
implied by Natural
Selection which is “the process ultimately capable of generating complexity out
of simplicity,” God Delusion, Richard
Dwakins]. Thus both agree
that something comes from something. If something comes from something, it has
always been true, and it has always been there—infinite into the past and
infinite into the future.
It is in harmony
with what we see in the nature. Nature has a rhythm and things happen in
cycles such as cycle of night and day, cycle of season, carbon cycle, nitrogen
cycle… etc. We also see the principles of such cycles reflected around us:
plants grow and die leaving seeds that ensure new lives are reborn
continuously. There are cycles happening within us too—cells in our bodies
become old and are being replaced with new ones at regular intervals! Even when
we sleep at night, we typically go through several sleep cycles. And each one
of these cycles consists of 4 different stages of sleep—awake, light sleep,
deep sleep and REM sleep. Those cycles show A MUTUAL INTERDEPENDENCE and
purpose. For example, each season emerges from the previous and gently turns
into the next. Winter snows feed the ground for Spring’s blossoms. Summer’s
heat ripens the plants for Fall’s harvest. While in day, we desire for night
and vice versa. While in hot Summer we wish it was Fall. While in cold Winter
we wish it was Spring. This is true of the greater cycle of New World and old
world alternating on earth.