Great post, saved into my computer.
Posts by venus
The Creation of Genesis Chapter 2ff
by Doug Mason ini had long held the piece of the jigsaw puzzle which starts at genesis 2:4b – the yahwist’s creation story.
i knew that its authors had never heard of lamarck’s theory of evolution, nor had they read darwin’s “origin of species”.
the authors were addressing their own immediate culture, so i had to transport my mind to their times.
Good Works by "worldly people".
by Lost in the fog ini have friends who are called "worldly people" by jws.
these people are actively involved in feeding the homeless over christmas.
managing thrift shops so they can send financial aid overseas to poorer children.
True Christianity is all about social altruism (Mathew 25:31-46), and true Christians are found scattered in all religions--even among JWs.
Can't believe we are still here
by moreconfusedthanever injust this week i had the jws knock on my door.
sisters from my old congregation.
we exchanged the usual polite conversation.
Why can't experiences of two World Wars alone "wake the rulers up"? What is true of leaders is true of individuals too.
Hell Exists
by Poppy520 inmany people of all denominations are beginning to believe that hell does not exist - but the bible supports the claim that it does.
examine this verse, one under nkjv and the other nwt:.
nkjv - matthew 25:46, "and these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.".
Even Hitler understood that we cannot look for facts in scriptures: "Christianity brought conscious falsehood in the religious matters to the world.” From Adolf Hitler - rozmowy przy stole 1941-1944) don't look for proof of hell in the Bible
Inside Story Logo
by MrHappy inthis may have been covered before but have you noticed the logo design of the "inside story" on this months video the 143rd gilead graduation.
it appears as a pyramid containing the masonic symbol of the compass and square, with this reflected below the text.
the art pieces on the shelf are also interesting and maybe someone has some thoughts on these.
They are not a secret society, but are a society that traces its origin to the times of King Solomon and believes in the Supreme Being, hence stands for the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.
Hell Exists
by Poppy520 inmany people of all denominations are beginning to believe that hell does not exist - but the bible supports the claim that it does.
examine this verse, one under nkjv and the other nwt:.
nkjv - matthew 25:46, "and these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.".
If we come to Mathew 25:31-46 through Mathew 13:33, then we know that first part of history is like heaven on earth and second part of history is hell on earth. Look at the present condition of earth:
When we found King was corrupt, we replaced one king (hereditary) with many corrupt kings (democratic)
We learned from history that we don’t learn anything from history [we are preparing for a 3rd World War]
We replaced old economic system another one which is always swinging in the hands of speculators.
We poisoned the air we breathe, water we drink, and food we eat …
We killed anyone who tried to bring in light into the world ….
Hell Exists
by Poppy520 inmany people of all denominations are beginning to believe that hell does not exist - but the bible supports the claim that it does.
examine this verse, one under nkjv and the other nwt:.
nkjv - matthew 25:46, "and these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.".
Present earth is hellish in comparison to the earth God originally put in place which was like heaven.
What is you 'red line'?
by no-zombie intoday we hear a lot about red lines in political commentaries these days.
but for those of us who are pimos, what be your red line?
what would be the doctrinal change or event that would tip you over the edge into leaving for good, regardless of the repercussions?
If they drop doctrine of 1914, it would mean that JWs are really students of God's word. It is not unusual that students would make mistake in the process of learning.
Isiah 65:17 (Memory wipe?)
by pleaseresearch in“for behold, i create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.. i need some help with this please guys and gals.
what is this implying?
god will wipe those past memories, the past system of things from our minds?
Hi Island Man
Your hurricane illustration is superb
Why my religion is the truth
by eyeuse2badub ini found this extremely interesting and poignantly true.
it's a bit long but so well worded, highlites and bolds are mine!
by yoginder sikand.
Why can't all religion be true? Religions differ only in details, but behind the details all religious stories/scriptures are same. What is new becomes old/decadent in time which is again made new by God Almighty. This would mean God’s role is only to renew when situation necessitates, on wholesale basis, which would mean that there is no intervention in the case of individuals and in each individual use of free-will.
This is in harmony even with two opposing isms—Theism and Atheism: Theism says “From the more comes the less,” and atheism says “from the less comes the more” [as implied by Natural Selection which is “the process ultimately capable of generating complexity out of simplicity,” God Delusion, Richard Dwakins]. Thus both agree that something comes from something. If something comes from something, it has always been true, and it has always been there—infinite into the past and infinite into the future.
It is in harmony with what we see in the nature. Nature has a rhythm and things happen in cycles such as cycle of night and day, cycle of season, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle… etc. We also see the principles of such cycles reflected around us: plants grow and die leaving seeds that ensure new lives are reborn continuously. There are cycles happening within us too—cells in our bodies become old and are being replaced with new ones at regular intervals! Even when we sleep at night, we typically go through several sleep cycles. And each one of these cycles consists of 4 different stages of sleep—awake, light sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep. Those cycles show A MUTUAL INTERDEPENDENCE and purpose. For example, each season emerges from the previous and gently turns into the next. Winter snows feed the ground for Spring’s blossoms. Summer’s heat ripens the plants for Fall’s harvest. While in day, we desire for night and vice versa. While in hot Summer we wish it was Fall. While in cold Winter we wish it was Spring. This is true of the greater cycle of New World and old world alternating on earth.