I have no fear of death because it only appears there is death. In reality there is no death. No friendship is without a self interest. No ism is without a self interest. Hence why not try ourselves for a conclusion on vital subject as life. Let us make a try:
I know I
exist, I also know that I did not create myself nor did my parents create me. I
came through my parents who, in turn came through their parents—a process that
can have no beginning. If one has only one life, justice demands that everyone
should receive equal life-span and equal opportunities for enjoyment of life.
If life continues even after death, as in the case of Elijah who reappeared as
John the Baptist (Mathew 11:14), everyone’s life situation can be different
depending upon each one’s merit: “For with the measure you use, it will be
measured to you.” (Luke 6:38) Death is very much like the sunset. When the sun
sets here, it has already risen elsewhere. Likewise, death here is birth
elsewhere. For life is eternal. In reality, there is no death. The human
actually lives one continuous life, only it is broken up in segments here on
this earth. This truth does don’t find favor among many people because it is
not encouraging to powerful forces like religions (which thrive on the teaching
of forgiveness whereas reincarnation teach there is no forgiveness), nationalism and patriotism (because such feeling evaporates
when we know that we have lived in many other countries before), and family
set-up (feeling of my-family, my-husband, my-wife, my-father loses its
significance when we know that we have been members of many, many families
before). The way we walk and breathe show that there is a pause and a start
which are typical of death and life. The way cells being replaced show that the
body is changing with a substratum that does not change.