Isaiah has already declared account of sacrifice of Abel is not an inspired one when he wrote: "He who kills an ox is like one who slays a man" (Isaiah 66:3). Account is surely someone's wild imagination.
in exodus 20:3-5 god is depicted as saying: “you should have no other gods” and worshipping them would bring ‘punishment for three to four generation’ and worshipping me would bring blessings for “a thousand generations.”.
the sentiments behind this command is same as the one that was displayed by othello who punished his wife desdemona all because of a handkerchief (given to her by othello on their honeymoon) that was happened to be found with someone else.. if it were the real god, he would have said something like this: “you are my children, and you should not worship me.
how can father accept worship from his children?
Isaiah has already declared account of sacrifice of Abel is not an inspired one when he wrote: "He who kills an ox is like one who slays a man" (Isaiah 66:3). Account is surely someone's wild imagination.
in exodus 20:3-5 god is depicted as saying: “you should have no other gods” and worshipping them would bring ‘punishment for three to four generation’ and worshipping me would bring blessings for “a thousand generations.”.
the sentiments behind this command is same as the one that was displayed by othello who punished his wife desdemona all because of a handkerchief (given to her by othello on their honeymoon) that was happened to be found with someone else.. if it were the real god, he would have said something like this: “you are my children, and you should not worship me.
how can father accept worship from his children?
Would the Americans ever forget their Founding Fathers? Never. Yet Exodus says God made Joseph “father to Pharaoh.” (Genesis 45:8); and Egyptians “mourned the death of Joseph’s Father for seventy days” (Genesis 50:3).
Then in the next chapter we read: “Then a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt.” (Exodus 1:8) Impossible for a king to forget such a great leader like Joseph who saved the whole empire from famine of 7 years!”
Exodus is full of God-dishonoring verses such as 3:22; 4:11 …etc …proof of things written without the knowledge of God.
for example, "and god said, let there be light: and there was light.
"a personal and vocal god said, "let there be light.
"so god saw the light, and thought it good, but how did the priestly scribe know that he did?
Here is one out of hundreds of treasures from Lao Tzu:
"At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you
for example, "and god said, let there be light: and there was light.
"a personal and vocal god said, "let there be light.
"so god saw the light, and thought it good, but how did the priestly scribe know that he did?
All scriptures are imagination of human beings which can be proved by looking at the main theme they have all come out with:
a) Eternal life in heaven or in hell on the basis of just one birth which means even premature death of children, or
b) Eternal merging with God.
Both these concepts make no sense at all. Regarding the first option, what Bernard Shaw said is very true: “Nobody could stand an eternity of Heaven.”
Regarding the second option, we can ask: If we come here on to earth to purify ourselves through many births as some religions teach and then to be merged with God, why such a need arose in the first place when we were in God who is the source of all purity. That means second option also not logical.
Each one has to find himself the purpose of life as we are able to bounce back to the now [being in the now itself is like being in heaven], to introspect, to discriminate essence from details, to judge what is beneficial from what is wasteful, to cooperate and to adjust. For example, look at the sayings of Lao Tzu—what a profound wisdom which many religious leaders may have been influenced by. How did he get it? By himself. If he could discern truth thousands of years before, anyone can also do so at anytime, anywhere if he wants to.
hi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
Yes, punkofnice
True, I was on a holiday for three weeks.
hi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
a) If you look at it scripturally, you would find that Jesus was cautioning the world against JWs (who keep on changing the time-table of Jesus’ coming/end of the world) when he said:
“So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (Mathew 24:26, 27)
These verses and his previous caution (in Mathew 7:21-23) clearly prove that no organization is appointed to announce to the world the presence/coming of Jesus.
b) If you look at them from the level of common sense, you would agree that we are all human beings first (from humus, Latin, soil/physical elements + being or conscious/immaterial entity) which means we are all children of God--an ultimate truth, glory of which cannot be shaken by too weak reasoning such as 'if one does not share our belief system, we should not greet him.' Yet JWs practice shunning as a weapon which makes them inhuman.
jws has been saying bible is authored by god because job 26:7 says: “earth is being hanged upon nothing.” and this verse in combination with isaiah 40:22 which says “god resides above the circle of earth” implies that earth is spherical and remains unsupported from above or from beneath.
thus, bible contains the knowledge which science confirmed later.. however, recent understanding of science is that the whole visible part of the universe is only 4%, and the visible exists because of the invisible 96%-- “dark matter 26%” and “dark energy 70%”--which is a fifth and previously unknown type of fundamental force called quintessence, which fills the universe like a fluid serving as a support to the visible universe.
That part--96% of the universe is dark matter and dark energy "which fills the universe like a fluid serving as a support to the visible universe"--is interesting.
That means 4% visible things are like fishes in the vast ocean.
the fake news is working overtime.
just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the network news about me is negative (fake).
why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt?
In fact Jesus was cautioning the world against JWs (who keep on changing the time-table of Jesus’ coming/end of the world) when he said:
“So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (Mathew 24:26, 27)
These verses and his previous caution (in Mathew 7:21-23) clearly prove that no organization is appointed to announce to the world the presence/coming of Jesus.
if i am understanding correctly only 144,000 will go to heaven, to be with jesus and help rule?
these 144,000 are witnesses only.
there is over a million jw world wide, what happens to the rest of the faithful followers.
Concept about 144000 did not originate from God. (Mathew 20:25, 26) It is pagan concept put into the Bible by the power-hungry Christendom clergy.
Prophets were not in favor of us having the need for much spiritual knowledge. It is like having a basic knowledge about an automobile being fair enough for you to drive and reach the destination. You don’t have to know the whole details of a car as a manufacturer does. This thought is implied in Mathew 7:12
oh dear, i recently made a comment about an elder being dogmatic.
and one of his best buddies sent me a wt article to help me realign my mind or something.
this is where reality separates from fantasy and fiction.
Jesus had already called elder arrangement as pagan when he said: "But Jesus called them to Himself and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant," (Mathew 20:25, 26)
Behind the words, he concealed the notion we are familiar with: No ladder of authority among Christians.