The narrator in the video laments in the end saying future of Christianity is bleak as the science progresses further and further.
But this may not be the case because it is true that Science can overthrow religions which misrepresent God, but cannot overthrow the belief in God because “science offers a surer path to God than does religion” (God and the New Physics, Paul Davis). If science analyses a flower chemically it may miss the more important point because looking at the same flower some scientists may be inspired by the contemplation of God’s beauty in Nature. It is deduction, a different faculty of understanding, from the intellect which often read between lines, as the etymology of the word intelligence suggests (from from Latin intellegēns, “discerning”, inter (“between”) + legō (“read”).
The mere data such as the composition of Periodic Table, DNA, Universe … havn’t any meaning for some whereas such knowledge generates some reaction in some scientists on a feeling level. That is because, unlike knowledge, understanding is born of the feeling awakened in us, a sense of awe, in response to mere data: “The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is good as dead.”—Albert Einstein.