If Paul was working under present GB, they would have treated him like an apostate and stopped all types contacts and greetings.
quite regularly at meetings jws mocked worldly people and apostates(anyone who had left the "truth") for saying the bible contradicts itself when it is in complete harmony from beginning to end apparently.
can anyone point out some of the contradictions they know of?
they used to laugh at the fact people on the doors would say the bible contradicts itself and when they asked the householder to show them where, they couldn't..
in guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide.
what if guide is blind?
religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them.
There is something good in reading the Bible. Look at one of its major subjects. A nation claimed that God has elevated them over other nations. However, through history, God proved He has not chosen any nation over others (Babylonians destroyed the theocratic and political system of things of Jews in 586 BCE, and repeat happened in 70 CE by the Romans.)
Thus Bible too proves that every action has equal and opposite reaction.
quite regularly at meetings jws mocked worldly people and apostates(anyone who had left the "truth") for saying the bible contradicts itself when it is in complete harmony from beginning to end apparently.
can anyone point out some of the contradictions they know of?
they used to laugh at the fact people on the doors would say the bible contradicts itself and when they asked the householder to show them where, they couldn't..
Another glaring contradiction is about faith and works. Throughout the Bible, prophets and Jesus, and even His half brother declare: 'humans are justified by WORKS.' (Habakkuk 2:4; Mathew 25:31-46; James 2:24)
But Paul comes in between and presents his theory of justification by FAITH, not through any verse, but through letters after letters as though his mission was to discredit Jesus.
quite regularly at meetings jws mocked worldly people and apostates(anyone who had left the "truth") for saying the bible contradicts itself when it is in complete harmony from beginning to end apparently.
can anyone point out some of the contradictions they know of?
they used to laugh at the fact people on the doors would say the bible contradicts itself and when they asked the householder to show them where, they couldn't..
Please read: "‘square circle’ or ‘unmarried husbands"
quite regularly at meetings jws mocked worldly people and apostates(anyone who had left the "truth") for saying the bible contradicts itself when it is in complete harmony from beginning to end apparently.
can anyone point out some of the contradictions they know of?
they used to laugh at the fact people on the doors would say the bible contradicts itself and when they asked the householder to show them where, they couldn't..
When many persons write contradictions can happen. But here is one which is contradiction in itself like we say ‘square circle’ or ‘married husbands.’ Verse is found in the gospel of John: "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.”—John 3:13
It means only Jesus who descended from heaven has gone into heaven, no one else has gone into heaven! Jesus ascended into heaven at the end of his ministry, after his death. Hence how could he say he has ascended into heaven at the start of his ministry?
Answer is simple. Teaching of ransom sacrifice is a later adoption, hence the Writer was creating a scene with Jesus having conversation with Nicodemus to introduce the subject of ransom—something Jesus (Mathew 21:37) nor Father had never even thought of. (Jeremiah 7:31)
is jesus the alpha and omega?
the watchtower make a bold brass article on their own website claiming that jesus is not the alpha and omega, yet however, god's word explains in clear detail that he is the alpha and omega... do we therefore trust what the watchtower says?
or do we trust what god says?.
Yet what Jesus said came true in my life.
It was when I made practical application of what
I earned in Particle Physics which better enabled me to understand CONSCIOUSNESS as a deeper reality than my body,
like the silence state we occasionally experience in which states such as
waking, sleeping and deep sleep are held, a deeper reality on which my physical
body appears, remains and disappears later only to continue to exists somewhere
else in some other form. It did remind me of what Jesus said: “You
will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31) Yes, I did become free from all human dogmas.
is jesus the alpha and omega?
the watchtower make a bold brass article on their own website claiming that jesus is not the alpha and omega, yet however, god's word explains in clear detail that he is the alpha and omega... do we therefore trust what the watchtower says?
or do we trust what god says?.
This problem exists in John's gospel also:
In one place Jesus declares a bold sentence which only God Almighty can make: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
In another place, he retracts: "But if I do judge, my decisions are true, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me. I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me" (John 8:16, 28)
In another place He asks us to believe Father: "Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life" (John 5:24)
In another place, he again retracts: "You believe in God[a]; believe also in me." (John 14:1)
He looks as though his intention itself is to confuse (of course, he would not, but writers created all those confusions which would not be settle in yet another 2000 years)
over a period of time i got to thinking - what does the word 'apostate' mean to me.
having given it some thought, this is my view;.
the org has given the word its own definition and basically use it to demonise people and consider them pariahs.. however, the jw meaning of 'apostate' is a mere word and only has power if recognised as such.
Etymologically, it is simply a negative prefix "a" + "postate" (like the word amoral) meaning to stand away. Stand away from (truth) is an added connotation. Away from what? Anything under the sun!
in guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide.
what if guide is blind?
religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them.
I like your understanding on the question: “What does this have to do with me?” Something to be thought about!
this has been an interesting story in the news recently.. just thinking, if in a few years time they drill down and discover water on mars and also some form of life.
does that for you destroy the bible in anyway?.
Just because water is found in Mars, it doesn’t mean it becomes favorable for variety of life forms as found on earth. Even when earth is favorable for variety of life forms, still “more than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction)
Even if life may have been seeded there on Mars by some aliens (as documented in the film Expelled, Richard Dawkins, or as implied by panspermia proposed by Francis Crick and Leslie Orgel) who will create provisions for sustaining those lives?
What Isaiah wrote still holds weight: "God Himself that formed the earth and made it .... He formed it to be inhabited" (Isaiah 45:18)"