Bible writers created irrational stories about God (rather misrepresented Him), and many lost their faith in God. If you feel “How did I ever believe in this nonsense for over 30 year” it shows the image of real God is active in you.
in the genocidal instructions supposedly given by god we find this interesting command: “now kill all the boys.
and kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.” (numbers 31:17, 18).
in the midst of killing and plundering, how were the israelites to determine whether each girl “has slept with a man” or not?.
Bible writers created irrational stories about God (rather misrepresented Him), and many lost their faith in God. If you feel “How did I ever believe in this nonsense for over 30 year” it shows the image of real God is active in you.
10 dark and ungodly christian beliefs.
joshua sigafus august 1, 2018. .
christianity is one of the most widespread religions in the world, with more than two billion followers worldwide.
I can give you some more examples:
When Jesus said: “Be like God” in Mathew 5:48, and he was not aware of the story of Adam and Eve in which Satan is shown as making the temptation using the same wordings “if you eat of that tree of good and bad, you will be like God.”Besides, this story is obviously a later adoption because it is placed into a background of Abel (a shepherd) and Cain (agriculturist) living near city states (Cain himself is spoken as builder of a city) as population is not just three (Adam, Eve, and Cain with Abel dead)
When Jesus declared:“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth”in Mathew 5:5, he also rejected much of the portion of OT where we find Jews making the claim that God had promised them land and dominion over other nations.
10 dark and ungodly christian beliefs.
joshua sigafus august 1, 2018. .
christianity is one of the most widespread religions in the world, with more than two billion followers worldwide.
You are right, I believe like the ultra theologians of Catholic Church who take liberty in saying not everything in the Bible is inspired—it contains both God’s thoughts and human thoughts. As a child of God, I can know which verses are matching with my Father and which do not. For example:
I read the Bible, and weed out human concepts such as concepts about God: "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live" (Exodus 33:20). This is Moses' own statement about God Almighty. He doesn't know that Almighty means one who is able to do anything--He can manifest His full force or in part or even to less than 1%. Almighty should be able to offer a tender kiss to a little baby [without burning it into ashes] who should feel more loved than from a kiss from a human being. Hence Almighty will not say 'if you see my face, you will die.'
Yet I benefit from certain verses of highest insight into human psychology such as Mathew 12:35 which says 'people act/react according to their taste whether beneficial or non-beneficial to those around them.'
This has helped me a lot. Because i understood from this verse that if someone misbehaves with me, I tell myself 'I am not the object of his action, but I just happen to be the recipient of his action, he is not giving me according to what i did to him, but he is just unfolding according to his taste, or "treasure of his heart." This has made me feel a great relief when roughed up by others. Thus this verse helps me not to be overjoyed when loved by others nor grieve when hated by others.
in matthew 7:13-14 says :“enter through the narrow gate, because wide is the gate and spacious the road that leads to destruction, and many go through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and strait is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it.
and revelation 7: 9 says of the great multitude, " after this i saw, and look.
of all the nations and tribes, and nations, and languages, standing before the throne and the lamb, dressed in white clothes, there was a great crowd that no man could count; and in their hands was the palm branches.".
Interesting question, and it is obvious that both cannot be reconciled because Jesus was contrasting those reaching destruction and those reaching life which includes both heavenly life and earthly life.
If those reaching life are few, then they can definitely be numbered.
if someone does the same things over and over again and says sorry and then does it again and you point out that their apologies don't mean anything anymore, then they accuse you of not being forgiving enough, who is in the wrong?
(i mean as in constantly over a long period of time).
im trying to work out whether it was just part of the persons mental/ emotional manipulation tactics or whether i have the wrong view and i'm not forgiving enough.
What Sigfrid Mallozzi says is scripturally correct. (Hebrew 10:26). I have gone through the same experience. I just ignored the person, and person is still repeating the mistake.
Past is gone and future would come; and moment between the two is life which always occurs in the now. We have to be concerned with this precious, present moment called now. It is too precious to be lost to anyone else.
10 dark and ungodly christian beliefs.
joshua sigafus august 1, 2018. .
christianity is one of the most widespread religions in the world, with more than two billion followers worldwide.
All those genocidal and slavery-endorsing verses are not from God, but obviously were attributed to Him by people with hidden agenda. Here is a verse that proves this point: God is supposedly saying: “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. (Numbers 31:17, 18)
No God would ask ‘kill everyone and take beautiful and virgin girls for yourself’ which obviously comes from humans with uncontrollable lust.
10 dark and ungodly christian beliefs.
joshua sigafus august 1, 2018. .
christianity is one of the most widespread religions in the world, with more than two billion followers worldwide.
I looked through that index site.
This site answers biblical questions and contradictions is like an ocean because it answers numerous contradictions. This shows Bible was written by people as and when they like in their own way without much guidance from God.
When God authors a book, it would state things what the words mean and have instructions with absolute clarity like the traffic signals: Red means Stop, Green means Start ruling out any possibility for people to interpret in any way they like.
We can legitimately expect God to be careful Himself in providing a book that asks us to be careful.
in guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide.
what if guide is blind?
religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them.
I agree.
I read the Bible, and weed out human concepts such as concepts about God: "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live" (Exodus 33:20). This is Moses' own statement about God Almighty. He doesn't know that Almighty means one who is able to do anything--He can manifest His full force or in part or even to less than 1%. Almighty should be able to offer a tender kiss to a little baby [without burning it into ashes] who should feel more loved than from a kiss from a human being. Hence Almighty will not say 'if you see my face, you will die.'
Yet I benefit from certain verses of highest insight into human psychology such as Mathew 12:35 which says 'people act/react according to their taste whether beneficial or non-beneficial to those around them.'
This has helped me a lot. Because i understood from this verse that if someone misbehaves with me, I tell myself 'I am not the object of his action, but I just happen to be the recipient of his action, he is not giving me according to what i did to him, but he is just unfolding according to his taste, or "treasure of his heart." This has made me feel a great relief when roughed up by others. Thus this verse helps me not to be overjoyed when loved by others nor grieve when hated by others.
In fact, many have benefited from this when i shared this with them.
quite regularly at meetings jws mocked worldly people and apostates(anyone who had left the "truth") for saying the bible contradicts itself when it is in complete harmony from beginning to end apparently.
can anyone point out some of the contradictions they know of?
they used to laugh at the fact people on the doors would say the bible contradicts itself and when they asked the householder to show them where, they couldn't..
in guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide.
what if guide is blind?
religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them.
There is something good in reading the Bible. Look at one of its major subjects. A nation claimed that God has elevated them over other nations. However, through history, God proved He has not chosen any nation over others (Babylonians destroyed the theocratic and political system of things of Jews in 586 BCE, and repeat happened in 70 CE by the Romans.)
Thus Bible too proves that every action has equal and opposite reaction.