My point is that one needs to accept from what appeals to his reason--not everything it says. What falls below the reason belongs to human thinking, hence to be treated accordingly.
i appreciate 10 commandments because they try to ensure law and order in the society.
however, i have problem with introductory statements that say: “you shall have no other gods before[a] me… you shall not bow down to them or worship them; for i, the lord your god, am a jealous god, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (exodus 20:3-6).
1) this contradicts the characteristics of god described in mathew 5:44-48 where love is described as loving everyone without thinking whether others reciprocate or not.
My point is that one needs to accept from what appeals to his reason--not everything it says. What falls below the reason belongs to human thinking, hence to be treated accordingly.
i appreciate 10 commandments because they try to ensure law and order in the society.
however, i have problem with introductory statements that say: “you shall have no other gods before[a] me… you shall not bow down to them or worship them; for i, the lord your god, am a jealous god, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (exodus 20:3-6).
1) this contradicts the characteristics of god described in mathew 5:44-48 where love is described as loving everyone without thinking whether others reciprocate or not.
Witnesses explain the word “inspired” using the illustration of “a boat being drawn along by the wind.”
i appreciate 10 commandments because they try to ensure law and order in the society.
however, i have problem with introductory statements that say: “you shall have no other gods before[a] me… you shall not bow down to them or worship them; for i, the lord your god, am a jealous god, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (exodus 20:3-6).
1) this contradicts the characteristics of god described in mathew 5:44-48 where love is described as loving everyone without thinking whether others reciprocate or not.
Crazyguy & smiddy,
What human writers wanted to convey they conveyed through the mouth of God giving the impression that God was conveying—may be to get more acceptance, hence we have all these discrepancies and mistakes.
that was the title of the public talk given by the co today.
it's a statement i've heard over the years many many's based on the nwt translation of matthew 5:3i always use a different version of the bible when i follow the scriptures because it lets me get a better view of the scripture in question.well, imagine my surprise when i read the scripture in the nrsv bible to realise it says something completely different.the nwt renders it...3 “happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.. however the nrsv says...3 “blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.. i was quite surprised at the completely different meaning so i looked at other translations and they pretty much all say the same thing.
the only one who says anything like spiritual need is the nwt.
Mat 5:3 is the most simple verse in the Bible that doesn't require any interpretation. It simply speaks about people who do not have any baggage of attachment or sense of ownership because they know such things do not last forever (1 John 2:17) hence look for its opposite (Kingdom of God)
Unfortunately, JW Translators missed the whole point.
i appreciate 10 commandments because they try to ensure law and order in the society.
however, i have problem with introductory statements that say: “you shall have no other gods before[a] me… you shall not bow down to them or worship them; for i, the lord your god, am a jealous god, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (exodus 20:3-6).
1) this contradicts the characteristics of god described in mathew 5:44-48 where love is described as loving everyone without thinking whether others reciprocate or not.
I appreciate 10 commandments because they try to ensure law and order in the society. However, I have problem with introductory statements that say: “You shall have no other gods before[a] me… You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (Exodus 20:3-6)
1) This contradicts the characteristics of God described in Mathew 5:44-48 where love is described as loving everyone without thinking whether others reciprocate or not. This also goes against the very definition of God in I John 4:8 where word used for love is agape (unconditional love).
2) This defies also the logic. If there is only one God, it would not have been possible for man to find another God to worship, hence prohibition of worship of other gods is unnecessary. If other gods exists, even then prohibition is unnecessary because other gods exists—a fact to be acknowledged.
When God makes a statement, He can’t make mistake. If mistakes occur, it means a thoughtless human being is behind the message.
In such a context, if at all God were to communicate, He would only say something like this: “I am source of all qualities, and have a fullness of them, hence I can only give, not receive, like the ‘sun’ that only gives, but never receives anything in return. (Psalm 84:11) By praising/worshiping Me, neither of us benefits. Instead, you become worship-worthy through your selfless acts. When people observe them, they would love you as worship-worthy, and would even feel inspired to behave like you—thus you both benefit.”
i ask this question for good reason.
let's face it, despite all the books, videos, forums, court cases, hearings, protests etc that have been exposing the society for many years. continues to roll on almost 'it seems' unscathed.. for example, just walk into any kingdom hall there is not so much as a whisper about anything that has been exposed outside of jw land.
My friend who is still inside the org may be typical of many others. She says I know JW org is not the best to be in--it has its flaws, but If I change my religion it would reflect badly on me--because I have already changed my former religion to become one of JWs.
jesus did not use his (superhuman) skills to prove the existence of either god or immortality of soul.
further, he did not answer direct, important questions put to him (mathew 21:23-27; luke 22:70 …), and most importantly never defined ego—the root cause of all problems ….
however, einstein, whose business was not spirituality, still defined ego as “optical illusion of consciousness.” this definition helps a lot because when one internalizes the idea that ego is only an illusion, he knows how to effectively deal with it.. .
excellent, I agree with you
jesus did not use his (superhuman) skills to prove the existence of either god or immortality of soul.
further, he did not answer direct, important questions put to him (mathew 21:23-27; luke 22:70 …), and most importantly never defined ego—the root cause of all problems ….
however, einstein, whose business was not spirituality, still defined ego as “optical illusion of consciousness.” this definition helps a lot because when one internalizes the idea that ego is only an illusion, he knows how to effectively deal with it.. .
This is not about the means of transportation both used; but subjects of vital and primary importance such as existence of God, soul, definition of ego …etc. There are even times when Jesus did not know the answer to the simple question put to him, yet gave an answer that dishonored God. (John 9:1-3). Then there are cases of comparing pagans with dogs, glorifying slavery (Mathew 24:45) etc. Regarding walking over water and other miracles he supposedly performed—did he really perform them? If so, a disturbing question would arise: Why did the witnesses and beneficiaries of those miracles not put up a corresponding response such as coming in support of him when he was subjected to a mockery of trial, taking up preaching work even after his death …. etc.
jesus did not use his (superhuman) skills to prove the existence of either god or immortality of soul.
further, he did not answer direct, important questions put to him (mathew 21:23-27; luke 22:70 …), and most importantly never defined ego—the root cause of all problems ….
however, einstein, whose business was not spirituality, still defined ego as “optical illusion of consciousness.” this definition helps a lot because when one internalizes the idea that ego is only an illusion, he knows how to effectively deal with it.. .
Onager, defining insanity, like the definition of ego, is too wonderful. That means Einstein was better than many professed religious leaders.
jesus did not use his (superhuman) skills to prove the existence of either god or immortality of soul.
further, he did not answer direct, important questions put to him (mathew 21:23-27; luke 22:70 …), and most importantly never defined ego—the root cause of all problems ….
however, einstein, whose business was not spirituality, still defined ego as “optical illusion of consciousness.” this definition helps a lot because when one internalizes the idea that ego is only an illusion, he knows how to effectively deal with it.. .
Jesus did not use his (superhuman) skills to prove the existence of either God or immortality of soul. Further, he did not answer direct, important questions put to him (Mathew 21:23-27; Luke 22:70 …), and most importantly never defined ego—the root cause of all problems …
However, Einstein, whose business was not spirituality, still defined ego as “optical illusion of consciousness.” This definition helps a lot because when one internalizes the idea that ego is only an illusion, he knows how to effectively deal with it.