The word `intelligence' [from inter, “between”
+ legere, “ to read”] would
mean ‘discern things as though reading in between the lines. Now read in
between the lines of what Moses wrote; his favored and frequent statement is
this: ‘Obedience to God means blessings, and disobedience means maledictions.’
(Deut 28:1-68; 30:15-18) Let us try to discern his motive behind this statement.
When Moses wanted to present 10 commandments and other laws, he
naturally wanted to prepare the Israelites with a mind-set that ‘We must obey
God, otherwise it is problem for us.’ The best way for this was to modify a
well-known story of Fall from other cultures. This seems to be the origin of
creation account and the subsequent story of “tree of good and bad” which shows
suffering was the result of disobedience to God.
Moses wanted to show his people are special because God chose them
as His own giving them The Law, and to convey: “You do well if you obey the Law.”
That’s all what Moses did! That means story of “tree of good and bad” has no
significance to the humanity, and God
and Satan are nowhere in the picture as the creation account is the
creation of Moses who wrote for his own people, not to the world. Interestingly,
Jesus himself testifies that Moses was whimsical. (Mathew 19:7, 8) Moses did
everything to project one nation as God’s chosen one—something that God would
not do because He simply cannot be partial (Deut 10:17), and also exalting one
nation over the others is spiritual ego which is more harmful than material ego
(root of all problems) seen in individuals.
If creation account is creation of Moses, then how did universe
come about? To me this question looks very simple. If one reads in between the lines of the
famous question: “What came first chicken or egg?” he would get the answer as
“none,” it is a chain without any beginning! We are conditioned to think in
term of a beginning. But our experience is that nothing happens without
something preceding to it, and it is ad
infinitum. God does not create anything. This “creation” is a natural
manifestation of something inherent in the nature and God. He does not
deliberately engage in any action to bring “creation” into existence, it just
happens. So God is not directly responsible for “creation” (just like a dreamer
does not design the dream, nor does he control the dream, but it happens in a
natural way).