If Jesus symbolized the Pharisees through the
rich man in the illustration of “The Rich man and Lazarus,” what did he gain by
that except that it made them more revengeful that ultimately resulted in the
murder of the messenger himself? If an act is going to increase the problem,
why should one initiate it in the first place? In this way also, illustration
served no purpose!
In the big picture, this is what happens. The
selfish people take advantage of a supernatural person who has supposedly
spoken some good proverbs and performed some super-human feats—presenting
things (parables and proverbs) through such authority to get easy acceptance
from readers. One can see such motives behind some of the parables/illustrations
Jesus supposedly used. For example, some people wanted to convey the following:
Fraud in business is ok (16:1-12); but such
fraudulent ones will end up in hell (Luke 16:19-31); yet there is a way to work
around this situation—the rich have to give a portion of their ill-gotten
wealth to the poor, and can go to heaven. (Mathew 25:31-46). See how the rich
have responded to such a message—many orphanages and similar institutions came
into existence with the rich sponsoring them and the management living in
luxury while working in the name of the poor.