Bible writers were somewhat naïve with regard to many subjects. Through Old Testament,
Bible writers paint a God who exalts one nation over others. And through New
Testament, they paint Him who exalts one of His children over the rest
(something God cannot do—Deuteronomy 10:17; Romans 2:11). In Exodus 20:5, they
attribute even negative quality (jealousy) to God which portrays Him as one who
feels insecure. To be worse, they even use the negative expression “fear God”
over 300 times throughout the Bible!
To be god-fearing is to be god-unloving because fear and
love can't coexist. Fear is coercion. Love
has no place for fear and vice versa. The god that frightens is no god. But the
fact is that He gives humans freedom even to deny Him.
JWs are more at fault than those Bible writers because they
justify the expression “fear God” using a senseless example, saying ‘you love the
sea because you go to sea-shore, at the same time you also fear sea because you
refrain from its deep waters, its storm … etc ]. Here under the guise of sea,
they are talking about totally different things—sea shore, deep waters, storm ...
etc. They simply ignore all the mistakes Bible writers have made, and also try to justify them wherever possible.