It is easy to get enlightenment—I got it from analyzing my sleep.
Sometimes we get sleep when we want,
sometimes we get sleep when we don’t want in such situation as listening to a
public talk,
and sometimes we don’t get sleep when we want.
It means life is a play of both free-will and destiny; hence when something
that happens not according to our expectation, we can easily accept it.
2) When I look at the way my breathing happens—I realize that I only witness as it happens rather than I do the breathing which continues even while I am sleeping. So is the case with other circulations and vital functions such as digestion … etc. It means there exists an immaterial builder of body that can exist with or without body.
3) If this is my make-up, so is the make-up of rest of the humanity. Upon realizing this, feeling of me-and-other-separation ceases, and self-importance is no longer an issue and one’s intention is one to include, connect and co-operate with others. The more one does this, the more harmony it generates and the more beneficial it turns to be. According to many research studies, when some people who led a self-serving life in the past begin a compassionate life they feel good and happy. That means our very make-up teaches that humans have to be loving each other in order to feel good and to be happy. Scientists have found that generosity made people happier and promising to be more generous was enough to trigger a change in our brain giving us pleasant feeling. (