corporate and individual mentality is same:
Why do you live?
earn money.
So I can live better.
is better?
have things… and for that we need money…
Corporates sell goods/service, religious corporates sell enlightenment!
i find it pretty shocking how corporate the jw religion is.
i never saw it this way when i was in but now that i look at it from a different perspective, it seems quite clear.
much of the terminology used by jws is corporate inspired.
corporate and individual mentality is same:
Why do you live?
earn money.
So I can live better.
is better?
have things… and for that we need money…
Corporates sell goods/service, religious corporates sell enlightenment!
the authenticity of the old testament account of solomon is being called into question in the news media:.
for the most-part, i don't really want to believe the bible as true, certainly not the j.w version including their stubbornness over 607 and 1914. but there's one prophecy that always makes me stop and wonder if maybe some of the bible was inspired by god, if he or she exists.
Interesting explanation [“In it he portrayed man's history through an allegory of an image of different metals successively decreasing in worth from a fabled golden race down to powerful empires represented by iron”]
You are right: There is no prophetic element in this image allegory because this is what we observe in history.
the authenticity of the old testament account of solomon is being called into question in the news media:.
for the most-part, i don't really want to believe the bible as true, certainly not the j.w version including their stubbornness over 607 and 1914. but there's one prophecy that always makes me stop and wonder if maybe some of the bible was inspired by god, if he or she exists.
Excellent information
the authenticity of the old testament account of solomon is being called into question in the news media:.
for the most-part, i don't really want to believe the bible as true, certainly not the j.w version including their stubbornness over 607 and 1914. but there's one prophecy that always makes me stop and wonder if maybe some of the bible was inspired by god, if he or she exists.
You say: “I'm pretty much looking for someone to shoot these Daniel prophecies down but am open to all ideas.”
God and Jesus have, by their action, already taught us that they cannot foresee future by way of an illustration (Mathew 21:33-39) He sent Jesus on to earth with some expectation, yet things went in opposite direction which means He does nothing to control the use of humans or the natural unfolding of history.
If God does foresee future, it would mean that incidents are foreordained in which case it is not foreseeing.
i was reading a post on here and the poster said she went to the door twice because her mother made her go again when she didn't see her children talk to the man.
the poster said, "at least i got an rv out of it.".
ok, its been a few years, but for the first time i thought of "recreational vehicle" and not "return visit" when i read this.
Even the very name Jehovah's Witnesses has this problem. It gives the impression that God Almighty is a defendant in some judicial court and in need of human help to come out of the mess Satan created.
If the name of the organization is meaningless, we can imagine how logical other terminologies they use!
the one who is standing away is apostate (literally "to stand off," from apo- "away from" + stenai "to stand").
ironically, proponents of untruth may call truth-seekers as apostates, thus making the term meaningless.. for example, paul, the greatest of all apostles, taught untruth (stood away from truth) [see his main teaching in romans 5:12-21] even though he had known the following truths:.
1) all humans did not become sinners through one man (genesis 5:24; job 1:8; psalm 18:23; ezekiel 14:14 and compare habakkuk 2:4), hence there was no need for anyone to pay ransom.. 2) in the old testament, the messiah refers to a “prince of peace” who literally rules from jerusalem, not merely anointed to the office to do the work in some distant future and get killed before that future occurs.
the one who is standing away is apostate (literally "to stand off," from apo- "away from" + stenai "to stand").
ironically, proponents of untruth may call truth-seekers as apostates, thus making the term meaningless.. for example, paul, the greatest of all apostles, taught untruth (stood away from truth) [see his main teaching in romans 5:12-21] even though he had known the following truths:.
1) all humans did not become sinners through one man (genesis 5:24; job 1:8; psalm 18:23; ezekiel 14:14 and compare habakkuk 2:4), hence there was no need for anyone to pay ransom.. 2) in the old testament, the messiah refers to a “prince of peace” who literally rules from jerusalem, not merely anointed to the office to do the work in some distant future and get killed before that future occurs.
Interestingly, people blindly accept what Paul wrote, and remember some famous OT verses as support. Interestingly, the so-called messianic verses actually do not speak about Messiah. For example,
1) Psalm 22. It’s all about a person who describes himself as “I am a worm and not a man,” who knew God only from this birth “from my mother’s womb you have been my God” (Ps 22: 6, 10).
2) Similarly, Isaiah 53 is all about a man who “had no form, majesty or beauty” (Isaiah 53:2) which can never fit the description of one chosen by God Almighty, about whom people thought was “smitten by God.” (Isaiah 53:4). “They made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death” (Isaiah 53:9) [Jesus was crucified along with two criminals, not with a “rich man”]
the one who is standing away is apostate (literally "to stand off," from apo- "away from" + stenai "to stand").
ironically, proponents of untruth may call truth-seekers as apostates, thus making the term meaningless.. for example, paul, the greatest of all apostles, taught untruth (stood away from truth) [see his main teaching in romans 5:12-21] even though he had known the following truths:.
1) all humans did not become sinners through one man (genesis 5:24; job 1:8; psalm 18:23; ezekiel 14:14 and compare habakkuk 2:4), hence there was no need for anyone to pay ransom.. 2) in the old testament, the messiah refers to a “prince of peace” who literally rules from jerusalem, not merely anointed to the office to do the work in some distant future and get killed before that future occurs.
The one who is standing away is apostate (literally "to stand off," from apo- "away from" + stenai "to stand"). Ironically, proponents of untruth may call truth-seekers as apostates, thus making the term meaningless.
For example, Paul, the greatest of all apostles, taught untruth (stood away from truth) [see his main teaching in Romans 5:12-21] even though he had known the following truths:
1) All humans did not become sinners through one man (Genesis 5:24; Job 1:8; Psalm 18:23; Ezekiel 14:14 and compare Habakkuk 2:4), hence there was no need for anyone to pay ransom.
2) In the Old Testament, the Messiah refers to a “prince of peace” who literally rules from Jerusalem, not merely anointed to the office to do the work in some distant future and get killed before that future occurs. (Isaiah 9:6-7)
3) If ransom teaching was the main theme, Jesus would have used all his skills to explain it. In contrast, he believed he would never be killed (Mathew 21:33-39) which means Mathew 20:28 is obviously a later adoption which Luke deleted from his work (Luke 22:25-27) after comparing with original manuscripts (Luke 1:3)
In spite of all these, Paul chose to teach untruth (apostasy). If Bible’s main teaching itself is apostasy, how can Bible-supporters’ calling us apostates have any meaning?
in the famous aesop fable, we read about a fox who unsuccessfully tried to get some grapes, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: “i am sure they are sour.”.
someone made a second part to this story.
fox did some rehearsal in the night and came on to the scene next day, and jumped with difference and got the grapes from the vine tree, and he began to eat to his full capacity.
In view of the above, I want to make an interesting observation:
If someone believes he is not a sinner from his birth, it means he is in truth; yet he will be called apostate (one who keeps away from truth). Though he is not rebellious, his very presence is rebellion. He is of creative mind.
when i hear prayers given by brothers why do they only pray for other jws not all people??
i remember hearing a comment from my mother saying 4000 jws are affected by this...and i'm thinking yes that is sad but what about the tens of thousands other people affected?
too me it just doesn't seem right to just pray for jws but to pray for all victims.
Spirituality means realizing all humans are our brothers and sisters. (Deut 10:17; Romans 2:11). Praying for a minority is opposite of spirituality.