First constructive change should be this--ban all religions.
Then arrange a panel of experts from all countries to find out ways to avoid all other wastages
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
If God is the father, he would definitely know the capacity of his children. Man is capable of solving all the problems on earth, he really wants. Already some parts of earth is like paradise which can be extended to other parts if humans really wants.
Humans are now behaving like this--one step forward and two step backward. Let them take a U-turn.
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
This is like how people describe peace--some will say it is a desirable quality, yet for arms merchants (industries and governments) it is an undesirable situation--they want conflicts.
Similarly, I was not in favor of a God who seeks worship. When I came to know, from my own reflection, that God would not accept worship, I began to believe in God--that's the sort of God I am looking for or I am inclined to love--just opposite to the view all religionists present Him to be.
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
You are right in saying ‘God is not looking for any benefit from His creation.’ The image of God we have is all from religions which are created for livelihood of some people, hence can’t be true. Truth is that God is not a recipient, but Giver which means He will not receive worship from anyone (which is of ego, impurity). This has been understood by very few sages in the past. For example, in some parts of earth sun is called “aditya” and God is described as “adityavarna” which means God has qualities of the sun, the giver of light and heat. Aditya means 'of Aditi'. The name Aditi (literally, without division, without limit) is mentioned in Vedas as mother of Surya (Sun) and other celestial bodies or gods as Adityas (meaning sons of Aditi); and similar sounding word aatithya means hospitality. Sun is remembered for its service because it is a giver of light and warmth to all beings equally—without any division and without any limit. Thus the name aditya shows us the very essence of sun in whose hospitality all living beings are sustained. Also, sun is an amazing example of spirituality because it is always a GIVER (and receiving is not its concern). Hence in the past people used to remember God when they saw physical sun because God is the ULTIMATE GIVER of (spiritual) light and all empowerments. (Psalms 84:11; Mathew 5:44-48) What a splendid example both God and sun set for humans on earth! At the daily sight of sun, everyone is reminded to say to himself: “All my actions should enlighten and empower others; and I should have no expectations from others.” Imagine how heavenly your life would be if you are living with a person who has such sun-like-qualities.
the temptation of jesus.
8again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.
9“all this i will give you, he said, “if you will fall down and worship me.”.
Very fact that "the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory" reflects the erroneous belief of the 1st century people that shape of earth is flat, hence the account has nothing to do with Jesus or Satan
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
Law of cause and consequence takes care of everything--everyone has to learn from experience (own or of others) which means God doesn't have to communicate with us because it is not necessary and serves no purpose.
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
That’s what exactly my point is:
1) God exists, but He doesn’t want worship—in that case, He won’t communicate with us.
2) People learn through experience—they are supposed to repeat what brings benefits, and to avoid what brings harm to them and others.—in that case, He doesn’t have to communicate with us.
3) People do not learn through experiences—even doctors engage in harmful habits that reduces their life-span; even leaders double the troops when they really had to back out.—in that case too, He doesn’t have to communicate because it is not going to serve any purpose.
In either case, God doesn’t have to communicate with us.
i know your going to be thinking what???.
but it's true, when i was a young boy i had to go to the 5 weekly meetings.
also with my mum we would be at the doors and actually have debates.
It's really heartbreaking for all those who spent their whole life for the organization thinking it was true and the end is imminent!
i reckoned that a comment by muddy waters in his latest post deserved a separate consideration - especially for active/fading j.w.'s..
's who called on him, parroted out the org's message of doom from 2 timothy 3:1-5 to remind him how bad the world is and that it showed that we are living in the last days.. a former elder/p.o.
once told me that he hated it every time the wtbts falsely applied these verses to the 20-21st century.
I do not believe in a Judgment Day because of the following reasons:
1) Satan is the invention of human mind because of the simple conditioning that they cannot grasp light without darkness, God without Satan. This is why Satan is shown as believing the shape of earth as flat—Satan took Jesus to a high mountain and showed all the kingdoms of the earth which is possible only if earth is flat (which reflects the erroneous belief of the writer of 1st century)
2) Not only this account involving Satan, even other verses are fabricated. For example,
"No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.”—John 3:13
It means only Jesus who descended from heaven has gone into heaven, no one else has gone into heaven! Jesus ascended into heaven at the end of his ministry, after his death. Hence how could he say he has ascended into heaven at the start of his ministry?"
3) It means writers just thought what could have Jesus spoken or done if he were treading on earth and wrote them down. This could be true with rest of the bible writers. That is why we find in one place God said this and that, yet in other place He says he did not say so (Jeremiah 7:22; 8:8)
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
We are all fascinated by the thought that ‘I am financially independent, physically independent….’
Yet if asked “Am I emotionally independent?” we may not because we often dance according to the behavior pattern of others!
If asked “Am I spiritually independent?” we may not because we may already be conditioned by atheists or religionists. We are all individuals (from the root in + divisible), hence unique which means we should have our own view about God.
Intelligence (from Latin intelligere) literally means reading between the lines. In other words, it’s all about seeing behind the obvious/events/happening/things and arriving at intuitive discernment; or seeing with third eye. Someone sent you a gift of flower. Seeing only the flower is ordinary seeing, and seeing also the love behind that gift is real seeing. When you see cards arranged as a pyramid you do not see more important aspect of it; yet eyes of your mind can see forces acting in various directions, nullifying each other thus making the pyramid shape possible.
When you see a seed it is ordinary seeing; but seeing within it also the invisible program in which memories of all the future generations remain protected is real seeing. When you see many farm fields in which only one has cultivation, eyes of your mind would see a cultivator who planted seeds in one but did not do so with rest of the fields. Similarly, when we see various forms of life on earth and rest of the universe barren, our third eye would see a Greater Cultivator who planted seeds of life on earth but did not do so with rest of the universe which highlights the fact that it takes a Cultivator to bring forms of life.
That means a great Cultivator exists. The fact that He has never spoken to humans shows that He is not interested in our worship! He has given us, in abundance, provisions to enjoy life. But our greed has brought suffering on earth. Should we hold God responsible for this or should bring a needed change in our attitude and make this earth a paradise again! See, some parts of the earth is already like a paradise which means if we want we can make the whole earth a paradise again!