Show yourself as a MAN, and come back victorious and cheerful. All the best
Posts by venus
95 Un-Truths - celebrate 500 years since Diet of Worms
by Anthony Morris DeTurd inwell hello friends.
you may recall the article we published about martin luther: at the end of this month it's exactly 500 years since he nailed his list of 95 objections (un-truths) to the door of the catholic church, kicking off the reformation...for which he was invited to the diet of worms (judicial committee) and excommunicated.. also at a similar time to this commemoration, i have been invited to attend an event of the vast apostate army here in warwick (5.11.2017).
i'm worried that someone may compose a list of 95 untruths about us, and nail it to the gates at warwick!.
Do you believe in god?
by freakyAL ini used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
Which God? This is an irrelevant question
There is a saying, that, at a certain point in your journey, if you meet the Buddha, you have to kill him. This means starting to trust your own knowledge of what is true. You know what action of others make you happy/sorrowful which means you know how to act towards others.
God knows this, hence He would not use any scriptures and would naturally want to remain unidentified.
JW view of apostates is of human origin
by venus ingod doesn’t take action against a person who has long history of faithfulness when he fails for the first time.
for example, satan is freely permitted to move in heaven and on earth even after many many sins he keeps on practicing.
israel as a nation was not rejected at the first instance of their disobedience.
What a calamity it would be when an innocent JW finally comes to realize that Bible is only a human book. Intensity of dependence on JW doctrine would then take him to the opposite direction proportionately. Hence JW is in a sense a production unit for atheist in the same way Bible helps some to become atheists (for example, Jesus's own prayer to his Father is gone unheeded)
JW view of apostates is of human origin
by venus ingod doesn’t take action against a person who has long history of faithfulness when he fails for the first time.
for example, satan is freely permitted to move in heaven and on earth even after many many sins he keeps on practicing.
israel as a nation was not rejected at the first instance of their disobedience.
God doesn’t take action against a person who has long history of faithfulness when he fails for the first time. For example, Satan is freely permitted to move in heaven and on earth even after many many sins he keeps on practicing. Israel as a nation was not rejected at the first instance of their disobedience. However, JW religion practices disfellowshipping and shunning at the very first act of even disbelief on any one of their vast reservoir of teachings despite decades of faithfulness.
They feel this is scriptural because this is the way Samuel dealt with Saul who was so good (reluctant to become a king when he was informed of Jehovah’s choice) and subsequently gave many victories to Israel in the difficult days of Israel’s inception period. In an emergency situation when the whole nation’s security was involved, Saul did not extend his waiting (waited for seven days) for Samuel indefinitely, but went ahead and made the sacrifice himself. This good-intentioned, extremely unselfish act of Saul was judged as disobedient by Samuel and declared his judgment: “Jehovah will choose another person to be king over Israel.” (1 Samuel 13:14) What else is needed to turn a good person into bad?
Such a hasty judgement is obviously against Jehovah’s established practice of taking action after long wait, hence is from human priestly class who wanted to safeguard their position over the ordinary people who would think ‘if king was not spared for such a small act of disrespect towards Jehovah’s appointees, how much more we.’ Without knowing this interior game of the priestly class, JW built their apostasy teaching on human ground.
Communication seems to be a big problem even today
by venus incommunication seems to be a big problem even today.
1) bible commanded ‘don’t make images, don’t make any other mediator than jesus …etc.’ yet most of the christian organizations understood the command as saying to fill their churches with images and mediators.. 2) if charles t russel had read at least the first few pages of the bible seriously, he would not have taken the bible seriously.
the manner in which the genesis account opens shows it to be somebody’s tradition whose owner is unknown because it begins abruptly; it is nobody that speaks; it is nobody that hears; it is addressed to nobody; it has neither first, second, nor third person; it has every criterion of being a tradition; it has no voucher.
My dad is a Jew and mom is Christian. She was always nagging. Once dad said “it’s all your Christian upbringing—instead of crucifying Satan the transgressor, the innocent was crucified instead. What good can come from your background.” That was the end of her nagging, and beginning of my doubt on Bible.
Communication seems to be a big problem even today
by venus incommunication seems to be a big problem even today.
1) bible commanded ‘don’t make images, don’t make any other mediator than jesus …etc.’ yet most of the christian organizations understood the command as saying to fill their churches with images and mediators.. 2) if charles t russel had read at least the first few pages of the bible seriously, he would not have taken the bible seriously.
the manner in which the genesis account opens shows it to be somebody’s tradition whose owner is unknown because it begins abruptly; it is nobody that speaks; it is nobody that hears; it is addressed to nobody; it has neither first, second, nor third person; it has every criterion of being a tradition; it has no voucher.
Yes got what I was trying to say. This is the reason why Jesus wrote nothing, nor authorized anybody to write. God too would not make any oral or written communication which means you already know what you have to do. For example, you know
what action of others makes you happy/sorrowful which means you have a lesson on how to act towards others.
Communication seems to be a big problem even today
by venus incommunication seems to be a big problem even today.
1) bible commanded ‘don’t make images, don’t make any other mediator than jesus …etc.’ yet most of the christian organizations understood the command as saying to fill their churches with images and mediators.. 2) if charles t russel had read at least the first few pages of the bible seriously, he would not have taken the bible seriously.
the manner in which the genesis account opens shows it to be somebody’s tradition whose owner is unknown because it begins abruptly; it is nobody that speaks; it is nobody that hears; it is addressed to nobody; it has neither first, second, nor third person; it has every criterion of being a tradition; it has no voucher.
I liked your last para. It reminded me about the Persian and Arabic word for the world: duniya (place where law and logic no longer rule the lives of people).
Communication seems to be a big problem even today
by venus incommunication seems to be a big problem even today.
1) bible commanded ‘don’t make images, don’t make any other mediator than jesus …etc.’ yet most of the christian organizations understood the command as saying to fill their churches with images and mediators.. 2) if charles t russel had read at least the first few pages of the bible seriously, he would not have taken the bible seriously.
the manner in which the genesis account opens shows it to be somebody’s tradition whose owner is unknown because it begins abruptly; it is nobody that speaks; it is nobody that hears; it is addressed to nobody; it has neither first, second, nor third person; it has every criterion of being a tradition; it has no voucher.
Communication seems to be a big problem even today
1) Bible commanded ‘Don’t make images, don’t make any other mediator than Jesus …etc.’ Yet most of the Christian organizations understood the command as saying to fill their churches with images and mediators.
2) If Charles T Russel had read at least the first few pages of the Bible seriously, he would not have taken the Bible seriously. The manner in which the Genesis account opens shows it to be somebody’s tradition whose owner is unknown because it begins abruptly; it is nobody that speaks; it is nobody that hears; it is addressed to nobody; it has neither first, second, nor third person; it has every criterion of being a tradition; it has no voucher. Even Moses does not take it upon himself by introducing it with the formality that he uses on other occasions, such as that of saying, "The Lord spake unto Moses, saying." Yet Russel took this orphan piece of information as belonging to God (which resulted in establishing an organization which claims supremacy over others?)” It was on this portion that JW org built their primary doctrine of Universal issue of sovereignty!
3) Jesus taught “if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others?” (Mathew 5:47) Yet disciples understood as him saying “if you greet only your own people, you are doing a wonderful thing, and don’t even greet those who disagree with your beliefs.”
4) Paleontologists spend months and years in the jungle and deserts and come with valuable information on evolution. Yet supporters understand it differently making many mistakes making paleontologists mad. (
No other religion is as guilty as JW religion—you know why?
by venus inall other religions have myths that show satan as inferior to god almighty.
but only jw religion portrays satan more powerful than god through their teaching of “issue of sovereignty” which implies god almighty needs validation from satan as though he waits till satan is satisfied which has not happened even after killing of jesus 2000 years ago and things like ethnic cleansing, spilling of oceans of blood ….
No other religion is as guilty as JW religion—you know why?
by venus inall other religions have myths that show satan as inferior to god almighty.
but only jw religion portrays satan more powerful than god through their teaching of “issue of sovereignty” which implies god almighty needs validation from satan as though he waits till satan is satisfied which has not happened even after killing of jesus 2000 years ago and things like ethnic cleansing, spilling of oceans of blood ….
With the Creator no creature can raise any issue because Creator is supreme in the sense of justice and source of justice for creatures, hence universal issue is a non-issue. Satan himself doesn’t exist, if he did exist, he would have known the shape of earth to be a globe—not as flat (Satan is supposedly took Jesus to the top of the mountain to show him all the kingdoms of the earth—here Satan reflects the erroneous belief of the 1st century people, hence Satan is the imaginary figure).
Even if Satan exists, Jehovah doesn’t have to wait for the time Satan is satisfied in the case of universal issue—it is like God seeking validation from His creature to be a Creator.
Before Satan’s fall, they represent him only as an angel of limited existence. After his fall, he becomes, by their account, omnipresent as though. He exists everywhere trying to influence even the thoughts of believers. Not only Satan was unwittingly deified, but they represent him as defeating, by stratagem, all the power and wisdom of the Almighty. They represent him as having compelled the Almighty to the direct necessity either of surrendering the whole of the creation to the government and sovereignty of this Satan, or of capitulating for its redemption by coming down upon earth, and exhibiting his innocent son (another injustice) upon a cross in the shape of a man. Had the inventors of this story told it the contrary way, that is, had they represented the Almighty as compelling Satan to exhibit himself on a cross, in the shape of a snake, as a punishment for his new transgression, the story would have been less absurd- less contradictory. But instead of this, they make the transgressor triumph, and the Almighty fall.