When we become confused, we would naturally look to God’s guidance. See what happens if we turn to the Bible.
1) Noah became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. His son Ham reported the matter to his brothers who came and laid a garment on Noah’s naked body. Noah awoke from his wine and cursed Canaan instead of Ham, and consecrated this curse through a prayer, thus brought wrath of God on the entire Canaan race. Why? No answer.
(Genesis 9:20-27)
2) “‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death,” God told Moses. (Leviticus 20:1, 9) Then why Jesus was crucified instead of Satan who presented God as a liar to Adam and Eve. Why? No answer.
3) To the important question ‘Does the human spirit rises
upward and the spirit of the animal go down into the earth?’ Bible
itself answers “Who knows.”
(Ecclesiastes 3:21)
4) To another important question ‘Why are some people born blind?’ Not only wrong, but a God-dishonoring answer is given (John 9:1-3)