notsurewheretogo, I would also add the following:
It is irony that many approach evolution as a fact. Yet the leading evolutionists like Sir Julian Huxley called evolution a "religion without revelation" and wrote a book with that title (2nd edition, 1957). In a later book, he wrote: “Evolution . . . is the most powerful and the most comprehensive idea that has ever arisen on earth. (Essays of a Humanist, Julian Huxley, New York: Harper and Row, 1964, p. 125) Later in the book he argued passionately that we must change "our pattern of religious thought from a God-centered to an evolution-centered pattern."(p. 222) Then he went on to say that: "The God hypothesis . . . is becoming an intellectual and moral burden on our thought." Therefore, he concluded that "we must construct something to take its place."
Thus top guns of evolutionists know that they are trying to replace religion with religion of evolution which was mistaken as science by ordinary people.