You ignored what I wrote about environmental effect on fishes which is all set to disprove natural selection! (
Global warming is sounding a death knell on the theory of evolution—no natural selection is going to happen in the case of fishes in the sea. Fish won’t be able to get enough oxygen to grow if ocean waters keep heating up. Fish, as cold-blooded animals, cannot regulate their own body temperatures. When ocean waters become warmer, a fish’s metabolism accelerates, and it needs more oxygen to sustain its body functions. Fish breathe through gills, organs that extract dissolved oxygen from the water and excrete carbon dioxide.
Interestingly, when the proofs arrive they come with a bang. Evolution started with an explosion (big bang) which resulted in every exploding pieces round and spinning which ultimately created all varieties of life forms. Yet when armed forces and terrorists use explosion it never results in any pieces round and spinning, and they only destroy lives and properties.