notsurewheretogo asking me to "read book on evolution."
Even in a grandmother’s
story, we expect a flow. But if evolution theory is true, there should not be
gaps where there should be transitions. Yet there are gaps all along. Hence
evolutionists moved to promoting DNA and other genetic evidence as proof of
evolution. However, this is often inconsistent with, not only the fossil
record, but also with the comparative morphology of the creatures: “The
elephant shrew, consigned by traditional analysis to the order insectivores . .
. is in fact more closely related to . . . the true elephant. Cows are more
closely related to dolphins than they are to horses. The duckbilled platypus .
. . is on equal evolutionary footing with . . . kangaroos and koalas….. (lists
go on and on…. "Family Feud,"
Roger Lewin, New Scientist (vol. 157, January 24, 1998), p. 39.