Actually the statistical illusion used by the GB who have now stumbled maybe twice as many or more people then there are JWs indicates a steady decline in a period that should be 2 and 3 times the current nearly negative growth rate.
That means hidden in the trends and actual numbers is a "board of directors" that has reduced the JW corporate "market share" by 10% in just 37 years of oversight. And they say nothing about the actual ominous trend, instead they pop out figures that in themselves seem impressive until one knows the relative proportion of decline is even greater.
Now JWs in organized fashion globally, stumble more people everyday than are "brought into the truth", the org has the highest turnover and poorest retention rates of all world religions. That lost 10% of growth, is now growth of those stumbled ones.
The Bethel criminal activities in spiritual dimensions increasing in proportion to the JW decline is the answer to this noted plummet in JW growth and retention. It is apparent in dubious alliances, financial partnerships and methods, in policies and stumbling tactics of waffling and many other things that now "pile up clear to heaven" as Bethel surpasses other religions in actually troubling people, creating outcry and turning more people away from God than to Him. (2Pet2:1-3; 2Thess2:1-4).
JWs are fooled by the relative numbers and a lot of high- falootin claims to the contrary to tickle JWs ears regularly, but the numbers and trends do not lie in raw form over 60 years of WT trends under 40 years GB dictatorial power of the noted declination. (Hag1; Mal1-2). It is so striking a decline and reproach you wonder why the GB says nothing, it is as if they are doing it on purpose, running the JW org into the ground, and positioning the assets for later absorption into the legal conduits ultimately out of WT control, and burying the JW ministry in reproach on exit.
A thing like the UN NGO itself in a decade has to have stumbled 4 million people conservatively, maybe more, worldwide. And somehow JWs feel OK with those numbers on the Bethel tab, not to mention the blowback from the icy shunning policy and the pedophile support and procurement congregational atmosphere of encouraged and protected sexually predatory activity; worldwide. It's like a Bethel produced free predator sex safari to all points of planet earth.
It does not take a wiseman or prophet to understand the hidden lawlessness in worldwide congregations exacerbated and exemplified by core Bethel brazen abuses is far far worse than has already been exposed in just the sexual abuse of children and other deviant behavior from core congregational leaders, not to mention freelancers. The worst leaven is hidden in the JW worldwide congregational system with more serious sins.
If God did arrive on the JW scene, it would be to raze the JW organization for the reproach on him, not to deliver JWs to any paradise current conditions have turned into a form of spiritual hell fueled by the lawless incorrigibility of the Governing Body, Bethel and WTS elites who have lost all actual moral and scriptural compass, and merely cover up the abuses with parroted dialogue and therapeutic echoes of a JW past that is long gone. (Eze3:20);
JWs are in a severe illusion that gradually spread in three decades of intensified GB corruption to today's terminal systemic proportion. (Rev8:10-11; 2Thess2:3; Zech3:1-3). JWs are the frog in hot water now, too late to simply reverse this trend of sins and abuses guided by upper management, it appears it is preliminary judgment time soon for the JW org "house". (1Pet4:14; Dan8:13-14).
Things are not as peachy as JWs think they are with God, or their GB dictatorship's actual spiritual reality shown in the world known record of stumbling developments, now beyond any religion on earth. (Isa1-5). It is JWs who are now in apostasy and Bethel who is now really the main "X-JW" system leaders. (Dan11:32a). The non-biblical secular originating GB is the main culprit of organized corruption, it is obvious in numbers and evidence.