Why, minimus! You say that as if we were ashamed to be Jehovah's Witnesses. I thought we all wore our religion as a badge of honor, informally witnessing to everyone and anyone that would listen. Didn't you preach to people about God's kingdom and what you learned at the meeting the night before when everyone else was watching Seinfeld? Didn't you explain to everyone singing Happy Birthday just why it was displeasing to God that they were doing so? Being a Witness meant witnessing about God. If you didn't do that, well then, you weren't one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
JoinedPosts by undercover
What Excuses Did You Make Up For Being a Witness?
by minimus inremember, how on tuesdays and thursdays, we never saw that tv program everyone was always talking about at work, the next day?
and the reason was because we had to go to the meeting.
people would talk about seinfeld and die laughing because of the episodes.
Can you help me?
by PanteraFan inok, i am not too good with looking around in the bible.
so if you know of any scriptures where god kills people can you please post them here?
even scriptures in the nwt would help.
cain killed abel as a sacrifice
That's new to me. I thought Cain killed Abel in a fit of anger or rage after God accept Abel's sacrifice but not Cain's.
would you hit a woman if she hit you first? (for men)
by pudd ini would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
That's what's wrong with this country, black and white thinking!
Which country would that be? There are several countries represented on this thread.
But, your right about the black and white thinking. It isn't always black or white, right or wrong. There are many shades of gray. Until one is in a certain situation, one can't be sure how they would act or react.
What was your favourite topic when preaching door to door?
by JH inwhen i was going door to door, i liked talking about the signs of the end, earthquakes, wars, and all the signs that jesus gave.
i liked talking about how the world was doomed and that only the kingdom would set things straight.
what did you like talking about going door to door?
Where we were going to take a break. Oh you meant AT the door, heh heh.
Seriously though, I liked using the paradise. No wars, hunger, disease or death. How can someone not like that?
"The Apostates Are Infiltrating The Congregations Now"
by minimus inat the circuit assembly, my mother mentioned to me that the society is warning of a new danger.
there are witnesses that are on the internet reading apostate things but are still members of the congregation.
they are slowly being infiltrated by the 'apostates' and are still amongst us.
I just think back to the last five or six meetings our body of elders had with the circuit overseer in recent years. At every single one of them, there was a part on the agenda where the CO asked the elders to explain the low attendance at meetings. He'd ask why the friends aren't coming like they used to.
I think that must be standard procedure. They've been doing that for as long as I can remember. Remember, we're never doing enough. Can you do more. Why aren't you doing more, blah, blah, blah. Even if the numbers are good, the CO always finds something to harp on and give the elders a hard time about.
I remember one time, the congregatioin had excellent numbers. Nothing bad to report. The elders were all looking forward to giving a good report. The CO came in and blasted them on why the hall wasn't kept cleaner or under better repair. If the numbers were that good, there was no reason why the congregation couldn't afford to replace/repair some things around the building. We left that meeting(elders/MS) completely deflated.
would you hit a woman if she hit you first? (for men)
by pudd ini would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
The basic answer is no. If a mate hits the other, then that mate(male of female) has some issues and the other mate needs to distance themselves from the potential violence that could erupt again. I have always supported a woman who sees the need to leave a husband who uses violence. The same goes the other way around.
That being said, there are always exceptions to the rule. If the mate goes berserk and is trying to seriously hurt or kill, then you have to defend yourself. Granted, that is an extreme case, but it happens.
You'll notice that I tried to keep my answer from being gender specific, because I don't think it matters what sex you are if you are having to deal with a violent spouse.
Elvis - King or Not King?
by dh inis elvis the king or what!
i spent yesterday evening listening to a double elvis album i got yesterday, 25+ tracks per cd!!!
it has alllllllllll the tunes i grew up listening to as lp's, (my mom's lp's i might add) and i gotta say, memories, reminded me of my whole life, what awesome music.. now i know that nobody can compete with elvis, but i thought i would ask for a show of hands all the same.. elvis - king or not king?.
Artists can't be replaced.
I guess "replace" was the wrong word. You're right, they can't be replaced. Who will step up and become a force for their generation. Maybe that works better, I dunno.
cause they are not shiny and plastic enough for the record companies to want to promote.
Excellent point, I agree.
Take a look around your own community - you might be surprised at the amazing talent that's right at your fingertips. At least, that's been my experience.
Going to local nightclubs and catching local talent is an excellent way to learn about new music and different music genres. I never was big on Reggae until I saw a live Reggae band. Amazing. I now appreciate another form of music that I had never given consideration to before. -
Elvis - King or Not King?
by dh inis elvis the king or what!
i spent yesterday evening listening to a double elvis album i got yesterday, 25+ tracks per cd!!!
it has alllllllllll the tunes i grew up listening to as lp's, (my mom's lp's i might add) and i gotta say, memories, reminded me of my whole life, what awesome music.. now i know that nobody can compete with elvis, but i thought i would ask for a show of hands all the same.. elvis - king or not king?.
Thanks for that tidbit of trivia. I've been a Dylan fan since the 60s and thought I had a pretty good base of knowledge and trivia about him. That one I didn't know though.
Even if Holly had lived, Dylan would have made his mark though. Their styles were different. Dylan was a folk singer(at least at first). He wanted to follow the likes of Woody Guthrie and the true troubadours of the depression era. Now in the twilight of his career he is that troubadour with experience and knowledge that shows in his lyrics and in the rasp of his voice. Who will replace him is an excellent thought to ponder.
Is there a Mormon equivalent to JWD?
by nicolaou in.
if any of you know of a mormon discussion board that even comes close to the traffic we get here please let me know.
just doing a little research.. nic'
I learned more about the Mormons from the South Park episode about Mormons than I ever did from talking to Mormons(and I've known a few).
To me their religion is easier to debunk that JWs. I always considered the Mormons the wackiest of the "main" religions in the US. Do Mormons and the other "main" religions look at JWs the way I looked at Mormons? Is the WTS easier to debunk to them?
Anyone ever post on their ex-boards for their viewpoint?
Elvis - King or Not King?
by dh inis elvis the king or what!
i spent yesterday evening listening to a double elvis album i got yesterday, 25+ tracks per cd!!!
it has alllllllllll the tunes i grew up listening to as lp's, (my mom's lp's i might add) and i gotta say, memories, reminded me of my whole life, what awesome music.. now i know that nobody can compete with elvis, but i thought i would ask for a show of hands all the same.. elvis - king or not king?.
Three kings where I came from:
Elvis = King of Rock n Roll
Richard Petty = King of Stock Car Racing
Budweiser = King of Beers