A kid in my daughter's class is named Sparkle. Sometimes parents can be so cruel.
If Sparkle married Farkel, then she would be Sparkle Farkel.
okay, everyone list names you'd never give to your child.
here's mine:.
A kid in my daughter's class is named Sparkle. Sometimes parents can be so cruel.
If Sparkle married Farkel, then she would be Sparkle Farkel.
i have not seen any announcement from the watchtower stating that they have settled their tax liability with.
the nation of france.
they went thru the courts there - and lost.
If the highest court in the land has spoken and decided against the WTS, then it is time for them to shut up and pay up. Once they have exhausted all legal means of overturning the decision, they have no choice but to follow the tax laws. I'd be curious to see how quick they pay up and if they continue to bitch and whine about it. If they do that while printing how we must pay taxes, then I agree, hypocrisy is rampant.
Personally I think the article is a smoke screen to show the world how the WTS is a law abiding group and how it's followers are urged to follow tax laws, then cry how they are mistreated when they try to do the "right" thing.
i have not seen any announcement from the watchtower stating that they have settled their tax liability with.
the nation of france.
they went thru the courts there - and lost.
I'm not an apologist, but let's be fair. Putting aside that the WTS is what it is, why is only one religion being forced to pay taxes? Why not all of them? There was nothing wrong with the letter published in the Times as far as I'm concerned. Any company/religion/organization that feels that it's being mistreated would do the same. The WTS is dragging it out through the court system. I don't have a problem with someone using the court system as it's designed.
What's really important now, though, is that when they lose their last appeal, or whatever, will they pay what's due as required by the French Government? Will they, in fact, pay Caeser's things to Caeser? If they balk at that time or try to wiggle their way out of it, then it's time to sit up and take notice.
okay, everyone list names you'd never give to your child.
here's mine:.
as a jw, we were taught that almost any conversation could/should be twisted adapted into a witnessing situation.
we were continually urged to watch for "witnessing opportunities".. someone says, "i wonder if we'll ever get out of iraq", and you were supposed to say "that situation shows man's inability to rule.
do you think god will act to rescue mankind and assure good rulership?".
Ever see the movie, "The Big Kahuna" (I think that's the title) starring Kevin Spacey and Danny Devito?
It's about 3 guys on a business trip and they are trying to meet the head of some company to try to sell their wares to him. The youngest guy of the bunch actually gets to meet the guy and instead of trying to sell their product he talks about Jesus. Spacey's character goes nuts. Devito's character has to restore order amongst the three of them. Devito's character has a one on one with the young man that didn't try to talk business. The young man said that talking about Jesus was more important. One thing that Devito's character said has always stuck with me: He said something to the effect that, (paraphrasing) "once you turn a conversation to try to sell something, whether it's a product, religion or Jesus, you're no longer a human being. You're a marketing tool." That hit me square in the face. It's so true. The WTS wants us to "informal" witness at every chance. Is it because we love God or Jesus? No, it's to market the WTS publications. We have become their marketing tools.
I never was comfortable "informal" witnessing (like I was comfortable going door to door ) but when I realized that I was being used as a free employee, I stopped cold having anything to do with "witnessing".
one of the things that always puzzled me about the witnesses' doctrine was this idea that we are living in the worst time the world has ever seen - that the twentieth century has surpassed all others in death and destruction.
am i only the only crazy fool who thinks we have it pretty good?.
a hundred years ago, people died from diseases that are easily treated today.
I like to look at it this way: What century would you want to live in? What century is more enlightened, has more medical knowledge and experience, has more knowledge scientifically able to debunk myths and legends told for centuries, has more conveniences which makes day to day life easier and has life a higher life expectancy than the last century/first of this century? Violence is worse now? I don't know. There have been some terrible things to happen over the centuries. Centuries ago, if you lived miles from a town center, there was no police or fire dept or rescue squad. You were on your own. There was no electricity. There was no running water. There was no sanitary system. There was no 8 hour work day with time and a half for overtime. Heck with that. Give me modern conveniences, medical knowledge, entertainment and I'll put up with the crime rate as best I can.
While I watch movies or read books from historical times and wonder how cool it would have been to live then, I wouldn't want to live then. We're watching history with 20/20 hindsight. To live then, we would probably be one of the superstitious, uneducated, nameless, lower class people that history doesn't remember.
genesis 3: 24 - and so he drove the man out and posted at the east of the garden of eden the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning itself continually to guard the way to the tree of life.
correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't man create the sword?
what was god doing with a blade in heaven?
Okay, if we take this literally, God was the first to "take a sword". Mankind had not invented, used or even seen a weapon until then. The sword came from God. Now, think about this scripture:
*** Rbi8 Matthew 26:52 *** Then Jesus said to him: ?Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword."
i was wondering if jws have to buy their wt & awake magazines that they distribute door to door?
also, are they required to sell them or do they just give them away at the door?
if they sell them, do they keep the money....or have to give it to the (b)org?.
...the elders were constantly hounding me about not giving the literature to just anyone... especially if I did not know them (walk-in from the street) or if the elders specifically pointed out someone that I was not supposed to give literature to.
So much for giving life's water free....
why do some elders love being elders?
it's because they belong to a club.
it's an exclusive club.
When a brother is being considered as an elder, what does the C.O. ask?Something like, "Can this brother work with the body?" or "Will he fit in?"
They don't want mavericks or loose cannons screwing things up. They want a "stand-up guy",
a man who "gets along" because he "goes along". If anyone tells you different, don't give it any credence.
It's the company men who survive in Watchtower-land.
I've heard elders talk about MSs the same way. They say they are looking for MSs that "follow the system" or "work with the elder body".
I've known a few independant thinkers amongst the elders over the years. Most ended up burning out, resigning or being removed for one reason or another. I've known a couple that knew what battle to fight, what battles to not get caught up in and were basically good guys trying to do their best. I've known some good elders, men who were merciful, caring, comforting. I've known elders that were real assholes, power hungry, hatefule, vengeful. The vast majority though, were just guys doing a job, not really good at it, but not really bad men either. Those are the ones that just "goes along" with everything and are the company men the corporation needs.
ok, there's another forum where i post where there's a pretty raging discussion going on about dubness.
as the in house exdub i have taken the mantle of the jw apologist basher and thought i would share the thread.
it started as a tirade against an article in a weekly emailzine about prince being a dub.
the bible-basher is failing to recognise that it is illogical to try to justify beliefe in the bible with quotes from the bible. If that worked, you could believe in, er, Wuthering Heights, 'cos look, it's all written down in Wuthering heights.
That was my favorite.