Give that Gumman a pinata!
JoinedPosts by undercover
"We do't believe in war."
by hubert ini've heard this time and again from my j.w.
sister-in-law and daughter.
yet, when i found this hymn book, "sing praises to jehovah", i was shocked to find war songs in it, such as ... "gaining victory over the world", page 3.. "god's warriors are advancing", page 39.. "proclaiming jehovah's day of vengeance", page 189.. "see jehovah's army"!
Nice quote. Has a ring of truth to it.
Here's a variation that also has a ring of truth to it:
Beware the religion that bangs the drum of Armageddon in order to whip the followers into godly fear and obedience, for this fear and obedience is indeed a double-edged sword. It builds faith, just as it narrows the mind. When the drums of Armageddon have reached a fever pitch and the blood runs cold with fear and the mind has closed, the religious leaders will have no need in seizing the freedoms of the followers. Rather, the followers, infused with fear and blinded by faith, will offer up all their freedoms unto the church and gladly so. How do I know? I have seen it done. They are Jehovah?s Witnesses.
August 15th WT - Eliminate your unnecessary hobbies and projects
by truthseeker inthe third study article in the august 15th wt is entitled "tired, but not tiring out.".
it is of interest that the borg are further reducing the quality of life for their members by the following paragraph (pg 24, para 11).
sometimes what complicates our lives is, not the pursuit of more things, but what we do with the things we already have.. some may experience emotional fatigue as a result of challenging health problems, the loss of loved ones, or other.
do any of you recall the articles on the sister who was a balleria and gave it up or the bro who played in an orchestra and quit- i recall all the articles where folks gave up their dreams and work they loved to peddle mag for the wt corp-
Why do they lay guilt on some people to give up something they may excel at? Not everyone has exceptional muscial talent. Why let that go to waste? Why let a physical talent go to waste? Those that pursue these "worldly" goals while in school are made to feel guilty for not spending more time and effort on "spiritual" things.
Yet, the Williams sisters, Prince, George Benson, the Jacksons(of yesteryear) and others can pursue their dreams of being rich and famous or conquer a sport and remain in good graces.
Know Where Your Publisher Record Card Is?
by shamus inbecause i have no idea where it is.
and fell off the face of the planet?.
not that i really care... but it would be interesting to find out what they did with it!
There is no official record kept of when you are counseled only actions that arise out of handling a DF'ing or DA'ing situation. The notes and forms sent to the WTS are kept in a sealed envelope, labeled with your name and date.
Maybe that's the official policy, but I remember being counseled by a JC one time. The next COs visit, another meeting was held. I was told that the CO had reviewd the "notes" of the meeting and had determined that the elders had not followed through properly.
That lead me to believe that they kept written records of everything for the CO to review. Why I remember the details so well is because the elders in the JC meeting said that everything said would be strictly confidential. Not even the other elders would now the details of what happened, or how a decision would be reached. Only four people (me, 3 elders) would ever know what transpired in that room. I know that some elders have big mouths and gossip amongst themselves and to wives, but this was an outright lie if they knew that the information would be handed on down the line.
August 15th WT - Eliminate your unnecessary hobbies and projects
by truthseeker inthe third study article in the august 15th wt is entitled "tired, but not tiring out.".
it is of interest that the borg are further reducing the quality of life for their members by the following paragraph (pg 24, para 11).
sometimes what complicates our lives is, not the pursuit of more things, but what we do with the things we already have.. some may experience emotional fatigue as a result of challenging health problems, the loss of loved ones, or other.
I think most dubs will file that away with the "maybe we can make room for pioneering" suggestions that they get all the time.
Where this article will come in handy is later on, when elders are trying to work with ones who's field service time is down, or they miss a lot of meetings. They'll whip this article out and say, "ya know, the WT has some excellent advice on how to manage our time, blah, blah, blah" trying to get the backslider to devote more time to JWism than to outside interests.
"We do't believe in war."
by hubert ini've heard this time and again from my j.w.
sister-in-law and daughter.
yet, when i found this hymn book, "sing praises to jehovah", i was shocked to find war songs in it, such as ... "gaining victory over the world", page 3.. "god's warriors are advancing", page 39.. "proclaiming jehovah's day of vengeance", page 189.. "see jehovah's army"!
That's the biggest bunch of bull shit that I've heard this entire decade.
Hey, hey, watch your language there Bible-thumper. You want bullshit? Pick up your fucking bible and read that shit. Now you got some grade A number one bullshit.
I think that you are a little too hung up on the words "you" and "your". You are so outrageously unreasonable that you give me no reason to try reasoning with you.
I think you're a little too hung up with your self-righeousness. I'm unreasonable? Who started slinging insults and is now going to run away? Address my statements with reason and logic and show me why I'm mistaken. Or are you chickenshit?
Know Where Your Publisher Record Card Is?
by shamus inbecause i have no idea where it is.
and fell off the face of the planet?.
not that i really care... but it would be interesting to find out what they did with it!
Thanks, Blondie about the info on the Publisher Record Card.
Now, I've got another question. What about the file that keeps all of your misdeeds on record? Don't they keep a file on when you are counseled, reproved, DF'd, reinstated, etc, etc? Where's that file?
"We do't believe in war."
by hubert ini've heard this time and again from my j.w.
sister-in-law and daughter.
yet, when i found this hymn book, "sing praises to jehovah", i was shocked to find war songs in it, such as ... "gaining victory over the world", page 3.. "god's warriors are advancing", page 39.. "proclaiming jehovah's day of vengeance", page 189.. "see jehovah's army"!
To do that would mean that the person's claim of being neutral didn't hold up when under pressure. You either believe that a Christian's duty is to remain politically neutral or you don't, there's no middle ground.
That's exactly my point. With bombs falling all around all night, night after night, not knowing when one might hit your house, there's no way someone could remain completely neutral. You are going to hope that the air defenses of the country that you live in, pay taxes in, etc, will win the battle of the skies over your home. The politics of the war may not mean anything to you, but by God, you want the damn bombs to stop falling, so therefore you hope that homeland defenses hold. That is not staying completely neutral. If you can remain completely uncaring in that siutation then you are a true pacifist.
Do you actually believe that God was on the side of "the Allies"? If so, you are quite mistaken. The Bible (which I suspect that you've now disowned) shows that the entire political system, from square one, is and has been under the influence of a rebelious spirit being named Satan.
I never said anything about God being one on side or the other. I don't think he's on any side and I don't care. You're absolutely correct about what I think of the Bible. And religion. I have disowned the Bible. I have disowned religion. If there is a God he does not operate through religion as we know it. If I don't accept the Bible, then I can't buy into your ramblings about Satan (if he exists) controling the political systems either.
Opinions on a letter i am sending my family
by jaredg inhey guys.
both my mom, dad and sister have asked me to write them with my reasons and concerns for leaving the wts.
this is what i wrote them.
Great letter. I'd like permission to keep a copy of it, please.
Now, for my paranoid side to take over. This letter could backfire on you. You are already DF'd and not seeking reinstatement. You have nothing to fear as far as repurcussions from the congregation or the hall. But...if your family should show this letter to an elder, it is possible (not definate though) that the elders may use this to try to turn your family even further against you. You can expect the word "apostate" to ring out loud and clear. It could be impressed on your family that if they want to remain loyal to Jehovah or "his" organization that they "must" break off all contact with you. It sounds like you still have some association with them. This letter could help them understand your reasons or it could be the evidence the elders need to show them that you are evil and to be avoided.
I'm not trying to be a doomsayer, I hope it works out for the best. Good luck.
Do JW really spy on people in the congregation?
by wordlywife ini have so many questions, i don't know where to start...i am new here.
do elders or any other members of a congregation actively spy on others?
is this encouraged if so?
I've only been followed once that I know of and I don't know that it was a JW. It might have been a PI. I was friends with a recently divorced sister who's ex-husband was giving her trouble on several fronts. She suspected being followed by strangers and was getting nasty letters from attorneys. At the same time, elders where hounding her on her new freedoms from marriage. They didn't like all the brothers hanging out with her. I caught on to being followed late one night after leaving her place. I never knew who it was.
I tend to be pretty observant about what goes on around me and since I have become inactive, I have actually tried to keep an eye out for being watched. But I haven't seen anything. And I have to feel sure that I haven't been watched, because if they had been, they would have surely been able to nail me for several things by now. Let's just say that I have enjoyed my new freedom from religious superstitions and oppression.
That's not to say it doesn't happen. Maybe some people are more of a threat to elders or situations than others. I wasn't prominent or anything. Just a regular ole dumb dub.