DeWandelaar, see that is the problem. We have HOLY TEXTS that are FROM GOD. Why should we have to add things or guess or interject "well maybe" etc...? If God wants us to know something in its totality why have 3 people write the same story and each one have bits the other doesn't? Then expect us to mush it all together. Why not just write one book that has every useful detail in it so there is no guesswork. Why does god want us to have to do guesswork and investigate. Honestly I think if the bible was the sole book good wanted all mankind to benefit from why not just write it out in stone on a mountain and make sure it was never harmed?
Why leave it on paper written by people that pushed and pulled to get some stuff there and other stuff removed. Why is the proper pronunciation of his name not preserved? So many questions and there will never be answers