God can inject instances of both from outside such a system and does so quite often. - Can you give me proof of when GOD did this just one example
However if God were to do so all the time we would have no freedom. - We have no freedom now according to the bibl. All this stuff I HAVE TO DO TO BE SAVED. I would rather not have freedom and eat grapes under my own vine without having to worry about the "earth swallowing me up"
A parent whose child is allowed out to play knows there is risk involved, but the responsible parents do not attempt to remove the risk by denying the necessary freedom of freedom and never letting them out. - But an intelligent parent lets the child play in a safe environment with as little possibility of getting hurt in the first place.
On a grander cosmic level of God and us, the same is true even to the point of death as God know death is not the end anyway. - Where did God tell you this. Please let's not say the bible, it is the same book that states its kinda ok to kill babies. I can't trust that guy