Jabooba. It means crazy and nonsensical in a deformed, f-d up, mentally ill, whacky way. For instance, the gb's new light on overlapping generations is totally jabooba. 'The Jabooba Home' means the nut house. For example, "if I hadn't have left that cult, I'd be in the Jabooba Home by now".
Julia Orwell
JoinedPosts by Julia Orwell
favourite words...in any language
by new hope and happiness ini mean " courting" certainley sounds more dignified than " hanging out with a new squeeze".
" comely" is a word i think should be used more often".
i am going to try and use " jabberwockey" in a sentece today.. anyway do you have any favourite words, in any language?.
Pets aren't people, says speaker at Regional Convention. Fido and Mimi better watch out! And instead of drinking wine or beer go do some gardening or play golf.
by oppostate ina big discussion driving back from the regional convention about what exactly was meant about pets.. the warning was obvious to me.
don't get pets, they cost time and money and you would do better to spend your time and money supporting the organization and going in field service.. as to the wine and beer, because the bro during his soliloquy admitted that the first thing he would like to do is relax after a hectic day at work with a glass of wine or beer, his conscience was traumatized.
however he came up with a perfect idea, he'd go tend the garden (obviously a solution for a married bro) or hit some golfballs at the driving range (maybe he's not married).. maybe jesus should have told the wine guzzlers at cana to sober up and go till the fields.. .
Julia Orwell
Or the pets will die of neglect like those chickens in Burma when the owners left them alone to go with the convention. Remember how the gb lauded those faithful jws for leaving their chickens to die and Jehovah blessed them by making their remaining chickens have sex to make chicks to replace the ones who died of neglect?
by DATA-DOG inabout a week ago, i had my "encouraging visit!
" it was real last minute, and i said , "yes!
" they were not expecting that, and they missed their dinner.
Julia Orwell
The end is nigh, data dog. They will ask you, "Do you believe the governing body is being used by Jehovah/directed by Jesus?" And if you say "no", you're dfd. If you refuse to answer like I did, you then have to avoid them by stopping meetings. If you say yes, you are lying but you will be ok.
Pets aren't people, says speaker at Regional Convention. Fido and Mimi better watch out! And instead of drinking wine or beer go do some gardening or play golf.
by oppostate ina big discussion driving back from the regional convention about what exactly was meant about pets.. the warning was obvious to me.
don't get pets, they cost time and money and you would do better to spend your time and money supporting the organization and going in field service.. as to the wine and beer, because the bro during his soliloquy admitted that the first thing he would like to do is relax after a hectic day at work with a glass of wine or beer, his conscience was traumatized.
however he came up with a perfect idea, he'd go tend the garden (obviously a solution for a married bro) or hit some golfballs at the driving range (maybe he's not married).. maybe jesus should have told the wine guzzlers at cana to sober up and go till the fields.. .
Julia Orwell
For some jws who've put off kids in 'this system' to 'do more for Jehovah' and for whom the end hasn't come, their pets are all they've got. And the org wants to take that from them.
Whoever thinks pets have no value has obviously had no experience with them. They provide companionship, love, affection, entertainment, interest, calming and so much more, and all they ask back is your love and attention. To deprive people of the joys animals can bring is heartless and ignorant.
Case in point: I used to breed quails. Tending my flock and raising beautiful birds from eggs to little fluffy chicks to watching as new plumage patterns emerged gave me intense satisfaction. Even watching them dust bathing like mad in a new tray of beach sand was delighting. I was understandably proud of my quails and jws at the hall often asked me how they were or wanted to see them. So of course I'm telling the co about the joys of my quails and he said, "wow, one day I'm going to hear that you've given up your quails for Jehovah and joined the full time work!" Like I was somehow less spiritual because I loved birds. I also told some elders about how much joy the birds brought me that Jehovah wouldn't want to take away something that made me so happy. I'd been suffering from depression and anxiety cuz of being a jw and breeding quails was my only outlet. Point is, I was not a good association because I took time to care for 50 birds.
That seems to be the jw way, unless it's an elder's wife. She can worship her cat but no one else can spend time with a cat, a dog or a bird.
jw.org getting out of hand
by Gorbatchov init seems the watchtower staff have made a runaway train with the introduction of the mark jw.org.. the combination of using a gadget driven platform and the fact that the common jw is low educated and easely influenced.
by new occurrings in their religion makes the situation getting out of hand.. proof: gb members wearing jw.org buttons during their speech, gifts with jw.org are given away, umbrellas with the jw.org are available.
jw.org is more important then god, his son and the gospel.. it's the gadget and the jw.org mark that counts.. i am so happy my grandparents are not confronted with these idiots.. it's a runaway train heading to the end of the track.. gorby .
Julia Orwell
A focus of devotion to an organization...oh wait, that's an idol!!
I'm writing a novel!
by punkofnice ini'm up to about 30k words at the moment and still going strong.. i don't expect it'll ever get off the ground.....at least i'm going to try though.. i'm thinking of 6 months time and looking at the route of self publishing.
yes, i want to be a publisher.. it's very violent in places, has violent sexual scenes and very strong language.. it's everything the watchtower(r) said i should avoid.....i wonder if my authentic self has exploded into freedom?.
if you want more info or wish to read a snippet let me know.. i can't think of a title and have changed it several times, at the moment it's called 'boomshot.
Julia Orwell
Yay!!!!! Good work punk, you hav e so much to share.
New DVD review
by Laika ini managed to catch the new dvd on youtube last night before the inevitable takedown.
as a film i felt it wasn't anywhere near as good as the prodigal movie, the story wasn't as dramatic, the characters much less interesting and developed and the direction weaker.
i found the prodigal relatively entertaining (all things considered) this one was just dull.. here are some of my random thoughts anyway [spoiler alert - ha!].
Julia Orwell
I've seen North Korean kids' cartoons like this. Really. The desire to do the will of the Party always triumphs.
Where do JWs get their Apathy Trolley/Cart?
by punkofnice ini can't imagine for one second that the wbt$ supply the apathy trollies they'll make the r&f pay for them.
or does the wbt$ supply the apathy trolley and charge over the odds for them?.
so...........do jws construct them?.
Julia Orwell
U could get them made in China for $5 so they'd make a profit.
Latest on UK Court Case - Unbelievable!
by skeeter1 injehovah's witness elder denies cover-up at church over 'massaging half-naked schoolgirls'jun 20, 2014 12:53by ciaran jonesdevoted churchgoer mark sewell rejected suggestions his seniority in the barry congregation meant allegations of child abuse would be "swept under the carpet".
mark sewella former jehovah's witness elder today denied massaging half-naked schoolgirls because he knew his church would "cover up" the allegations due to his position.. devoted churchgoer mark sewell rejected suggestions his seniority in the barry congregation meant allegations of child abuse would be "swept under the carpet".. the businessman, 53, denies 10 historic sex charges against girls and women in a period spanning more than eight years.. during cross-examination by prosecutor sarah waters it was put to the defendant that he "took the risk" of massaging topless schoolgirls because he believed his standing in the church would spare him from allegations of wrongdoing.. ms waters said: "what i'm suggesting, mr sewell, is that it was a cover-up and no-one was allowed to talk about it.".
greying sewell, wearing a navy suit over white shirt and patterned blue and yellow tie, told merthyr crown court: "not at all, no.".
Julia Orwell
Iz de apozdat lyes mak jewaha badd lookk hiz winneszes no d trud jehawa iz mi happi gd I blive him
This is how African jws respond on Facebook.
How important do you believe education and knowledge is?
by new hope and happiness inhow educated are you?
and how great is your vocabularly ect ....?.
do you think ir right to judge people by how intelligent/ educated they are and how much vocabulary they use???.
Julia Orwell
Education is the best asset or gift a community can have because it frees people from ignorance and makes people live longer and better lives.