Thank you all for your kind suggestions. I do wish that I had the funds to retire and open up my time to spend it helping others, that is my great joy in life. That and seeing others smile. I don't think old, but sometimes the flesh isn't as willing as the spirit!
LoisLane, what, humbled - thank you for your encouragement! I'm still trying to force myself "out there" to do things alone. So many years doing things with others makes it weird so have to get used to it. The only thing I'm good at doing alone is shopping.
NameIsLame - wish I had the freedom and funds to go on adventures! Thanks for the encouragement.
Quelly - would love to do volunteer work but don't have the hours to give quite yet. Actually used to volunteer for a "worldly" organization while still in the borg. So perhaps I need to move that to the top of my bucket list!
Aude and Band - I'm not in a large metropolitan area but not rural either. Big area for rich retirees and young families so most events require big (to me) money or focus on the bar scene.
hortensia - would definitely drive to visit you if I was near Mount Shasta! Hope others are able to take you up on your kind offer.
mouthy - thanks for sharing, it's sad that you've suffered the emotional and physical loss of your family. Going to check out your website next!
Zeb and LisaRose - thanks for the PM opportunities, you may hear from me soon. LisaRose, so happy for you that you and hubby get to spend these years together. I am somewhat jealous but only for myself as I don't/haven't had that privilege. (Children's dad died, "jw" hubby turned out to be a control-freak pornographer, mooch, adulterer and slanderer but he and new wifey were df'd and promptly reinstated less than a year later.) At my age, everyone carries so much baggage that the thought of another relationship seems like a distant dream so even though I wish I wasn't alone, I'm always happy for couples who have made it work!
Even though I may not be able to do some of these things right now, just having all of you encourage me is making me smile and helping me to change my THANK YOU ALL!!!