1) How long have you been a fader for? Mentally walking out the door for a decade, physically out for about four years now.
2) How often do you still get pressure from congregation members and/or family to return as an active witness? I no longer get pressured, but I used to receive notes showing that (obviously to them) I had committed a sin but should come back, or that I shouldn't allow someone to stumble me, that sort of thing. And always, the notes shared scriptures intended to steer me on the right path. Same story as many on this site have related, years as a pioneer but never did anyone ask how I was doing, or did I need help. They only cared that I was not attending meetings.
What is the longest period you have ever known anyone to successfully
fade? A successful fade in my view, would be someone who has faded for a
period of time but no longer receives any pressure to return to active
service (completely left alone). I don't know any successful faders from my area but I've been left completely alone for several years now.
4) If you have been a fader for more than two years, do you fear you would eventually have to face DA or DF? No as I don't talk to them. In fact, they could have formally announced I was DA but I wouldn't even know.
5) As faders, how many of you are being treated as if you were DF'd/DA'd? I don't really know if I am shunned because I don't attempt to associate with anyone in my old congregations, and as a single mom I was never much included in the social circles of the congregations. I have extremely minimal contact with one adult child still in but they are tightening their grip on that person, such that contact has been reduced to almost a shunning level.
Have you faded rather than DA'd due to the possible loss family or is
it because you have no network of friends outside the Org? I faded in order to maintain family contact.
7) If you consider yourself a fader how many meetings/assemblies/ field service groups do you still attend on average per month? Zero. I became almost physically ill the last time I went to a meeting, so I left. Never went back.
8) As a fader do you feel that the Org is completely powerless over your life? They are powerless over me personally, but they control an adult child so in that way they have power.
SSC, I've often wondered these same things and it will be interesting to read your results, although many on the board may not be able to share detailed answers as it will reveal too much about their personal situations.