This is a great thread - many pros & cons on the freedom of religion, banning, licensing, and perhaps taxation of religious organizations.
Agreeing with AlanF & HS on the issue of licensing religious organizations - why not? Along with that, taxation like any other organization. Bound by laws - which would include the freedom to take that organization to court if the organization worked outside the law.
If the religious organization were found outside the boundary of law, then their license to operate could be suspended until they complied.....and monitary penalities enforced.
Taxation would put those (imho) money-making organizations on an even keel with other organizations, and help the economy too.
Perhaps if these religious organizations were under the same liability of businesses which orientate the mind control of their employees in regard to every aspect of the employee's life (perhaps there are few other orgs that do that?) - then perhaps these religious organizations would be more *employee friendly* - and not so destructive.
It's not so long ago that the thought of women suing for being fondled on the job, raped, etc., was laughable. Not any more. Men also have sought the same protection.
The alternative is that some of these religious organizations hurt people so badly....that some of the survivors are strong enough to sue - causing the religious organizations into bankruptcy....or just more deeply hiding their assets. Speaking of the Hare Krishna group (children physically/sexually molested) and the Canadian Anglican Church specifically.
Sorry if my post isn't coherent -posting while supposed to be working. ugh.
Great thread by all posters! Thanks!
ps: No, I can't envision killing my sister....but I can envision still be a jw - and NEVER speaking to her again because she chose to leave (JW Agape love). I would have been compelled to....because I had a "trained conscience." And I can envision my sister doing the same to me under reverse situation.
I wouldn't want to do it.....but most likely, I would have. Have to "keep spiritually strong."