Don't get to my computer much lately........but saw "Teejay".......and it was like ol' times. Howdy, cutie. Hope your family is doing fine?
As for this thread? I've read through it......and thank you to all participants! If both sides don't show up for the discussion......well, it ain't a discussion, eh?
Btw - has there been a thread up lately on HOW TO VOTE? If not, perhaps that would help us long-time-never-voted-jw's.
I called my local city government, who clicked me to the right office, who explained how to register to vote. "You got a driver's license"? the man asked. I responded, "Yep." "Come in here for 5 min. & I'll register you." That's it! I thought it would be complicated - but no! Do it!
I did just that - also got an absentee ballot at the same time (still got family in the jw's).......and was informed by some active political people that because of the computer screw ups (Fla currently) - that's a good way to vote. Absentee Ballot. Means they got it & it will be counted.
lol - if that makes a difference, eh?
Thanks for the great thread. Hope it continues in a semi-quiet, serious, that it continues. Great information within.