Rebel8 was outed. Friends of mine who were not part of the group could see the group name on my timeline, though they could not see the group itself.
Also, kind of a moot point, now that they've made the group "open to all", as Juan says.
The point isn't retroactively teaching people how to set their Facebook settings. It's not force-adding them to begin with, and doing your utmost to limit and undo the damage that has already been done.
They should remove everybody who was force-added and then PM them and invite them properly. Or at the very least PM everybody and let them know that they may have been added to the group without their knowledge, AAWA is very sorry, and they wanted to notify them and give them the opportunity to choose whether to stay or go. Because FB doesn't necessarily notify you when you've been force-added unless you have your settings set to let you know. And just making a "Hey, you can leave if you want to post" on the AAWA page and hoping force-added people see it doesn't work, both because not everybody logs in and looks at their entire timeline every day, and also because Facebook doesn't show your entire group all of your postings on their's only something like 25% of users see it, and you have to pay for "sponsored" posts for it to show up for higher percentages of your group.
And yeah, I still find it disturbing that their argument is "well, screw those people who left and their complaining complainyness about being added without permission or potentially outed, just because we don't know very much about social media and privacy. They were quickly replaced by new members and we still totally have 1300 people".
Yes, that's absolutely the issue here. Not that people's privacy was compromised, but how many members came in to replace the "few" who have realized it so far and complained about it. Nice.