Yeah; that info isn't really relevant to any of the issues at hand. John Hoyle isn't Cedars. He's already said he's Juan Viejo. He's on their board of directors.
JoinedPosts by fizzywiglet
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis ini am an inactive jw.
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I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis ini am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
Oh? Thats strange. It wasn't irrelevant this morning when you were on your soapbox. My my, you have changed your tune. Having made a fuss this morning about Besty's identity being compromised by a post on facebook, when you realised his identity was already widely known, you suddenly switch to defending his honour instead.
You're a real piece of work
* * *
Uh, nope. I haven't been inconsistent or "changed my tune" or "suddenly switched to" anything at all. Read everything I wrote and try again. (Though I may, in fact, be a piece of work, but that's neither here nor there.)
Whether Besty's real name is known or not (and clearly not everybody knows it or associates it with his JWN name so far; I certainly didn't), for Julia Barrick Douglas to abuse her capacity as AAWA moderator to post his name and photo on that Facebook page and libel him was unconscionable. She used official AAWA resources to make false statements about him, publicly settle a personal score, and call for the shunning/shaming of a fellow ex-JW, all for the "crime" of making AAWA look like idiots by proving their lies false. You'll note that she didn't dispute the names or numbers at all; only took umbrage with them being made public (because AAWA had already put out an official statement lying about those). It was wildly and spectacularly unprofessional and flat-out WRONG, what she did.
And it looks like some saner/cooler head at AAWA than Richard Kelly must have figured that out and prevailed, because the post was finally removed (though they first sanctioned it, let it stand for hours and, to my knowledge, have issued absolutely no apology or retraction thus far).
But keep fishing, doll. AAWA, as it is currently run, is an unprofessional bunch of hacks, children playing in the sandbox at being "executives". Deal with it.
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis ini am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
You may be right here but i dont condone fizzy's continuous stirring.
Yawn. Call the waaaaaaaahmbulance.
Besty has openly used his real name on here and on freeminds so it s ridiculous to lambast julia for using it on facebook.
WRONG. Whether his name is already widely known or not is irrelevant. She publicly libeled him. She made false accusations against him (to deflect, she projected her own despicable behavior onto him) and then tacked those accusations onto his name and photo on a public Facebook page and basically asked everyone to shun him. She had the audacity to vindictively retaliate against him for exposing a few of the lies that AAWA told to cover its ass. It's everything AAWA is not supposed to be about.
Not to mention, AAWA wants to play "legal corporation", so they are held to higher standards than the average Joe Schmo. Richard Kelly is their Secretary-Treasurer and Incorporator, and he "liked" Julia's post and made a derogatory comment on it aimed towards Besty. So one of AAWA's directors has directly sanctioned Julia's actions. No distancing themselves from this one by blaming it on some "overenthusiastic volunteer". They've learned nothing. They still think they're random internet users who can sling whatever mud they like within their new official corporate capacities. They just do not get it . They are a corporation now and that means corporate responsibilities - they don't get to pull this shit without consequences.* * *
To recap:
1) AAWA told a bunch of lies this past week to try to downplay their role in compromising people's privacy. We're past "stretching the truth" here, people. These were flat-out lies .2) Besty posted the names of the three major culprits - all open/active apostates with no worries about being "outed" - and the number of people each had force-added to the group. This exposed several claims from AAWA's official statements as completely false.
3) AAWA's Facebook page moderator, Julia Barrick Douglas, uses one of their official Facebook pages to publicly libel Besty, accuse him of putting group members at risk (false), and project her own misbehavior onto him. She publicly calls for his shaming and shunning by other AAWA members.
4) Richard Kelly, one of the two remaining AAWA corporate officers (seeing as Barb Anderson bailed), someone who should maintain the utmost professionalism, "likes" Julia's post and joins in bashing Besty. (By the way, given the current shaky legal ground Richard Kelly stands on by knowingly signing and filing incorporation papers containing misrepresentations of material facts, he's the last person who should be invoking the word "crime" against Besty.)
Your donations at work, people. I mean, seriously, look at what this "remarkable organization" has "accomplished" so far. A self-serving, falsehood-filled, puff piece blog post smearing JWN as a whole (that they deleted all negative/questioning comments from), and the director-sanctioned use of an AAWA official social media page to publicly settle a personal vendetta and libel somebody with a conscience who made them look like the idiots and liars they are by simply...telling the truth.
Besty's very simple and forthcoming post exposed about 5 different lies that AAWA has told in the past week to cover their own asses, and he did it without putting a single fader at risk or divulging any sensitive information. AAWA's response is so unprofessional, hysterical, fearmongering, and shrilly over-the-top it is beyond belief. They can't defend their own behavior, so instead they pick a target to demonize to their members..."pay no attention to the man behind the curtain". Where, exactly, does this petty, vicious, indiscriminate, vigilante score-settling fit in with their "noble" mission statement? I'd love to know. It would actually be hilarious if it weren't so depressing. Every time I think they can't sink lower or it can't possibly get any worse, they manage to make some new wtf-worthy faux-pas. They are their own worst enemies.Anyways my response was:
Thanks for the free PR :-) the 3 individuals I named on JWN should have thought about privacy issues before attempting to add 700 people to an anti-cult group, without their permission. I didn't name the numerous people who added just a few friends (in cluding the folks that added me and my wife without permission) as they have used facebook innocently and responsibly - naively maybe. But ye - make sure everyone knows I'm the bad guy. This is like watching amateurs crashing trains - you're doing it - you're just not sure how. Or how to stop it.
Nice response, Besty. And of course, they immediately deleted it, but I'm sure you realized they would, because information control seems to be one of their new favorite tactics. They only have a problem with it when the Watchtower does it.
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis ini am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
Good thing I didn't post it in full or unedited, then. But I have zero problem exposing AAWA board members and official coordinators who have already put themselves out there as public figures for the tripe and information control they are disseminating on a public Facebook group.
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis ini am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
Yeah, so she really shouldn't have posted it in full, unedited on a public Facebook page, Tylin Brando.
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis ini am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
"If Besty is on your friends list, please consider this serious warning"
"Shun Besty, everybody on Facebook! SHUN HIM!!!"
...Reminds me of a certain group. Oh, who was that again? The name is on the tip of my tongue.
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis ini am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
Hmmmmm...the plot thickens. Ooh, naughty, naughty little hypocrites. Yay for information control and spin doctoring! Julia should be honest about who REALLY put people at risk. Not to mention, then she puts Besty's real name and picture out there on a PUBLIC Facebook page (AAWA Social Group) to deflect from the role she and the others (all out and open apostates who chose to associate their names with AAWA) played in this huge fiasco.
They REEEEEEEALLY need to lose this whacko. She's a loose canon and a liability.
Richard Kelly is being incredibly disingenuous here, as well. I'm disappointed; I had thought better of him but not any more. For shame. They are absolutely unconscionable.
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis ini am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
AKA, blame the victim.
By Facebook's user agreement, you are not allowed to have multiple user accounts (Terms of Use 4.2), and if discovered your accounts (all of them) may be closed.
Furthermore, in some countries, such as Europe, you are legally required to use real legal name on Facebook.
So not only are you blaming the victim, what you are suggesting is in some cases against the law.
And yes, the AAWA has admitted as far that they did add people to their facebook group without consent. They've acknowledged these things happened, and continue to put people at risk by refusing to take the nessessary action of removing those people they added without consent.
- Lime
* * *
Yeah, I mean, if you want to get technical, you can be reported and banned from FB if they find that you have multiple accounts or accounts on which you use fake names. For people who have spent years building up connections with friends/family or maybe run a business with a Facebook page, they might be understandably reluctant to jeopardize that by creating a fake page solely for JW activism that could get ALL of their pages shut down. If they choose to do that, fine, but it's nobody's place to blame them for being "outed" without their consent just because they use their real name on their FB page.
People like Watchtower-Free who keep beating the "it's your fault for having a Facebook account!" drum are ignoring the fact that many of us just have Facebook accounts for their intended keep in contact with our real-life friends and family. We didn't choose to join an anti-Watchtower group.
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis ini am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
J Mason Emerson 402 added/invited
Julia Barrick Douglas 263 added/invited
Jo Buel Jensen 132 added/invited
I don't know who J Mason Emerson is, but the other two are affiliated with AAWA. WOW. Fully 400 total added by an AAWA coordinator and an AAWA board member. What happened to the "only 50" that Juan Viejo was claiming were added by "only one" female AAWA representative? (Since Bo Juel Jensen is a board member, they sure swept his involvement under the rug.)
And to reiterate, of course, *nobody* should have been able to force-add, even "only 50", whether AAWA-affiliated or not. They could have set the settings to prevent that. And since they clearly know exactly who was force-added, and by whom, it would be easy work to remove them.
But yeah, just more "little" lies and half-truths coming to light.
I have just been disinvited to my brother's wedding - Thanks AAWA!
by Sic Semper Tyrannis ini am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
Actually, I think "attempted blackmail" is more than a little strong but I was disappointed that he chose to bring it up.
Strong or not, I think it's definitely more evidence that he realizes he's in the wrong...otherwise, there'd be no reason to say, "well, if you don't drop this issue on the forums about me screwing up, I'm going to tell everybody I think *you* screwed up!"