Very interesting.
If the "scrolls" is the bible. Then have sense that the resurrected knows the laws for govern their conduct during the millennium , and be judged after the destruction of satan.
But if the opened "scrolls" are new "scrolls" opened at the end of millennium, not have sense that the ressurrected be judged for it, because they not knows it during the millenium.
I have a question: if the "scrolls" is the bible, why its need be open?, the bible is opened since 1st century.
Revelation 20:4,3 indicates that the judges begin to judge after satan is enclosed in abism.
Revelation 20:11 indicates the context after armageddon when the symbolics earth and heavens (human gobernation) go out.
Revelation 20:12 indicates that people resurrect. Then "scrolls" are opened (it will not be the bible that is opened since 1st century), and the "life scroll" is opened, and that people was judge during the millenium, according to Revelation 20:4.
Revelation 20:13 indicates more resurrections, and more judges of acts, after resurrection, according the writted in the opened scrolls.
Revelation 20:14 indicates the elimination of the death from adanic sin (hades) forever. (this implies that perfection was achieved.)
Revelation 20:15 indicates that the people that not have your name in the "life scroll" is eliminated forever.
Really, although the "new scrolls" word not appears in the revelation book, it describes that are new scrolls. the bible is opened from 1st century, since it was completed. And Revelation 20:4, 11 indicates that continuous judgments made during the millennium .