also, I reply to your post about new scrolls.
JoinedPosts by trackregister99
by The Searcher inin the watchtower december 15th 2013.. .
why did the artist only include seven apostles at the last supper?
does he know the truth that 12 were there, (luke 22:17-23) so he didn't want to 'hang' himself by drawing 12 drinking the wine?
New scrolls
by The Searcher inin 1985 a new phrase was added to our vocabulary, "new scrolls", complete with an explanation as to how they will benefit those who inhabit the new world.
the following five references are the only quotations of this new 'teaching', but incredibly, these two words have been indelibly stamped on most people's minds by repetition from platform speakers, and in general conversation.. w85 6/15 p. 18 par.
21 "during this thousand-year judgment period, jehovah evidently will give additional instructions, unknown to us at present, as new "scrolls" are opened.
Very interesting.
If the "scrolls" is the bible. Then have sense that the resurrected knows the laws for govern their conduct during the millennium , and be judged after the destruction of satan.
But if the opened "scrolls" are new "scrolls" opened at the end of millennium, not have sense that the ressurrected be judged for it, because they not knows it during the millenium.
I have a question: if the "scrolls" is the bible, why its need be open?, the bible is opened since 1st century.
Revelation 20:4,3 indicates that the judges begin to judge after satan is enclosed in abism.
Revelation 20:11 indicates the context after armageddon when the symbolics earth and heavens (human gobernation) go out.
Revelation 20:12 indicates that people resurrect. Then "scrolls" are opened (it will not be the bible that is opened since 1st century), and the "life scroll" is opened, and that people was judge during the millenium, according to Revelation 20:4.
Revelation 20:13 indicates more resurrections, and more judges of acts, after resurrection, according the writted in the opened scrolls.
Revelation 20:14 indicates the elimination of the death from adanic sin (hades) forever. (this implies that perfection was achieved.)
Revelation 20:15 indicates that the people that not have your name in the "life scroll" is eliminated forever.
Really, although the "new scrolls" word not appears in the revelation book, it describes that are new scrolls. the bible is opened from 1st century, since it was completed. And Revelation 20:4, 11 indicates that continuous judgments made during the millennium .
by The Searcher inin the watchtower december 15th 2013.. .
why did the artist only include seven apostles at the last supper?
does he know the truth that 12 were there, (luke 22:17-23) so he didn't want to 'hang' himself by drawing 12 drinking the wine?
In the Chronological Bible of F. LaGard Smith he harmonize the passages just like that:
Importance of ocassion: Luke 22:14-16
Memorial established: Luke 22:17-20, [Matthew 26:26-29], [Mark 14:22-25]
Jesus clues about the traitor: Luke 22:21, 23
Apostles dispute: Luke 22:24-30
Jesus washes the apostles feet: John 13:1-5
Peter dude: John 13:6-11
Jesus explain why it washes feet: John 13:12-17
Jesus predict the betrayal: John 13:18-21, [Matthew 26:20, 21], [Mark 14:17, 18]
Traitor identification: Matthew 26:22-25, John 13:22-27a, [Mark 14:19-21], [Luke 22:22]
Jesus call Judas to go out: John 13:27b-30
I not revise it, but is a base for begin.
1975 - The Killer WT quote
by tim hooper inone thing is absolutely certain, bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of mans existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation!
24:34) this is, therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent.
Thanks. I get the spanish quote. And I let the english quote also.
*** w68 8/15 pp. 500-501 par. 35 Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975? ***
One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man’s existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) This is, therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that “concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matt. 24:36) To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. Make no mistake, it is sufficient that the Father himself knows both the “day and hour”!
*** w69 1/1 págs. 20-21 párr. 35 ¿Por qué está usted a la espera de 1975? ***
Una cosa es absolutamente cierta: La cronología bíblica reforzada con la profecía bíblica que se ha cumplido muestra que pronto se terminarán seis mil años de la existencia del hombre, ¡sí, dentro de esta generación! (Mat. 24:34) Por lo tanto, éste no es tiempo para ser indiferentes ni para estar serenamente satisfechos. Este no es el tiempo para estar jugando con las palabras de Jesús de que "respecto a aquel día y hora nadie sabe, ni los ángeles de los cielos, ni el Hijo, sino solo el Padre." (Mat. 24:36) Al contrario, es tiempo en que uno debe estar vivamente consciente de que el fin de este sistema de cosas rápidamente está llegando a su fin violento. ¡No se equivoque, basta con que el Padre mismo sepa tanto el 'día como la hora'! -
What is the biblical justification for says that a creative days is 7000 years ?
by trackregister99 inhello, what is the biblical proof of that a creative days is 7000 years.
i read in the photodrama that russell says that a creative days is 7000 years.
and in 1965 edition of "make sure of all things" page 134 that was changed from "7000 years" to "about 7000 years".. the bible not says the duration of a creative day.
edited the post with more info.
What is the biblical justification for says that a creative days is 7000 years ?
by trackregister99 inhello, what is the biblical proof of that a creative days is 7000 years.
i read in the photodrama that russell says that a creative days is 7000 years.
and in 1965 edition of "make sure of all things" page 134 that was changed from "7000 years" to "about 7000 years".. the bible not says the duration of a creative day.
Hello, what is the biblical proof of that a creative days is 7000 years. I read in the photodrama that russell says that a creative days is 7000 years. And in 1965 edition of "Make sure of all things" page 134 that was changed from "7000 years" to "about 7000 years".
The bible not says the duration of a creative day. The idea of that a creative days is "7000 years" or "about 7000 years" was the base for the lot of expectation for 1975.
The bible not says the begin of the 7th creative day, although it begin between 4026 a.C and 3896 a.C because between it Eve was created (the last creation of 6th day) because in 3896 a.C Set born when Adam is 130 years old.
And the bible not says the end of the 7th creative day. If 1914 is the begin of the end time, the bible not says the duration of the end time.
If a creative day is 8000 years, then 1975 have none importance.
But if a creative day is 7000 years, then Armaggeddon could come before 2105 that is 1975 + 130.
by The Searcher inin the watchtower december 15th 2013.. .
why did the artist only include seven apostles at the last supper?
does he know the truth that 12 were there, (luke 22:17-23) so he didn't want to 'hang' himself by drawing 12 drinking the wine?
Luke 1:3: "I have traced all things from the start with accuracy, to write them in logical order to you". It not says: "chronological order", it says: "logical order".
Matthew 26:20-29 with John 13:21-30
@'the searcher': wt says that Judas go out after passover and before lord supper.
Matthew 26:25,26 says that Judas ask when " was about to betray him " and then Matthew mentions the lord supper, but don't know if Matthew is relating chronological in this text.
Anyways, I not found a valid argument that Jesus not celebrates the lord supper with Judas, because it so far have not betrayed .
by The Searcher inin the watchtower december 15th 2013.. .
why did the artist only include seven apostles at the last supper?
does he know the truth that 12 were there, (luke 22:17-23) so he didn't want to 'hang' himself by drawing 12 drinking the wine?
Interesting, but John 13:29,30 indicates that Judas go out previous the celebration of passover. And also, that Jesus not have all the implements for do the passover. Then, the scripture not says, but maybe someone other disciples go out to buy the things needed for do the passover.
by The Searcher inin the watchtower december 15th 2013.. .
why did the artist only include seven apostles at the last supper?
does he know the truth that 12 were there, (luke 22:17-23) so he didn't want to 'hang' himself by drawing 12 drinking the wine?
Please, the reference in insight book ?
The Finished Mistery 1917 scanned pdf ?
by trackregister99 inhello.
i wanting the scanned pdf of the finished mistery but the first edition from 1917. i found only the text version.
but i want the scanned.
then the file is fake ?