oppostate wrote:
And, I thank you for being the imbecile who can remind us that the WT likes to change names and times and little else. Maybe you can work your way up to idiot yourself, and join the new Life and Ministry Un-school (formerly known as Theocratic Ministry School) so you can let us know how you like the new dumbed down re-format.
JoinedPosts by warehouse
Theocratic Ministry School . . . is still there AND longer?
by warehouse inso i made a timeline based on the leaked letter, it is as follows:.
edit: updated chart with color, because the html version was crap.
so i know i might be crazy, but is the theocratic school still there, just called apply yourself to field ministry?
Theocratic Ministry School . . . is still there AND longer?
by warehouse inso i made a timeline based on the leaked letter, it is as follows:.
edit: updated chart with color, because the html version was crap.
so i know i might be crazy, but is the theocratic school still there, just called apply yourself to field ministry?
pixel wrote: (in another thread)
7. Counsel: Following each of the four student assignments, the Life and Ministry Meeting chairman has approximately one minute to provide commendation and counsel based on the Ministry School book. When the chairman introduces a student’s assignment, he will not announce the point of counsel that the student is working on. However, when the student’s presentation is finished, and after some appropriate words of commendation, the chairman may announce the point that the student is working on and state why the student did well on that point or kindly explain why it would be beneficial for the student to give that particular point further attention. According to the need of each student, additional constructive counsel based on the Ministry School book may be given privately after the meeting or at another time, either on the assigned speech quality or on another aspect of the presentation. The chairman should update the counsel form in the student’s Ministry School book and advise the Life and Ministry Meeting overseer accordingly.—See paragraphs 11 and 14 for instructions regarding the role of the Life and Ministry Meeting overseer and the auxiliary counselor.
11. Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer: An elder selected by the body of elders will serve as the Life and Ministry Meeting overseer. He will be responsible for ensuring that this meeting is well organized and handled according to these instructions. He should maintain good communication with the auxiliary counselor. As soon as the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook for a given month becomes available, the Life and Ministry Meeting overseer will make the student assignments for that month. There are four student assignments each week, namely, the Bible Reading assignment during the Treasures From God’s Word section, and the Initial Call, Return Visit, and Bible Study assignments during the Apply Yourself to the Field Ministry section. Guidelines for those enrolling as students are set forth in the Ministry School book, page 282, and these guidelines still apply to the Life and Ministry Meeting. Each of the student assignments, including the counsel point the student is working on, should be distributed at least three weeks prior to the date of the assignment by means of the Our Christian Life and Ministry Meeting Assignment (S-89) form. (Please note that some of the points of counsel on pages 79-81 of the Ministry School book will not apply to the Bible Reading assignment or to demonstrations.) Information regarding student assignments for the month should also be conveyed to the appropriate Life and Ministry Meeting chairmen and, if applicable, to the appropriate counselor for an auxiliary class.
12. Life and Ministry Meeting Chairman: Each week, one elder will serve as the chairman for the duration of the Life and Ministry Meeting. He will be responsible for preparing the introductory and concluding comments. He will also introduce all of the parts and, depending on the size of the body of elders, he may be responsible for handling certain parts on the meeting as well. The body of elders will determine which elders are qualified to fill this role. The qualified elders would normally be assigned as chairmen periodically. Depending on local circumstances, the Life and Ministry Meeting overseer may be used as chairman more frequently than the other qualified elders. If an elder is qualified to conduct the Congregation Bible Study, likely he is also qualified to serve as the meeting chairman. Please keep in mind, however, that the elder who serves as chairman will be required to offer loving and helpful commendation and counsel to those who have student assignments. The chairman is also responsible for ensuring that the meeting concludes on time. (See paragraphs 6 and 8.) If the chairman wishes and if there is adequate space, a standing microphone may be positioned on the platform so that he may introduce each ensuing part while the brother giving the part is taking his position at the speaker stand. Likewise, the chairman may wish to sit at a table on the platform when introducing the student assignments and offering counsel. This may conserve time.
14. Auxiliary Counselor: Whenever possible, it is good to use an elder who is an experienced speaker to fill this role. The auxiliary counselor’s responsibility will be to give private counsel, if needed, to elders and ministerial servants regarding any speaking assignments they may handle, including parts on the Life and Ministry Meeting, public talks, and conducting or reading at the Watchtower Study or Congregation Bible Study. (See paragraph 8.) If there are a number of elders in the congregation who are capable speakers and teachers, then a different qualified elder may serve as the auxiliary counselor each year. It is not necessary for the auxiliary counselor to offer counsel after each assignment.
15. Auxiliary Classes: Depending on the number of students, congregations may hold auxiliary classes for the student assignments. Each auxiliary class should have a qualified counselor, preferably an elder. Where necessary, a well-qualified ministerial servant may fill in. The body of elders should decide who may serve in this capacity. The counselor should follow the procedure described in paragraph 7. If auxiliary classes are held, students should be asked to go to the auxiliary classrooms following the Digging for Spiritual Gems portion of the Treasures From God’s Word section of the meeting. They should rejoin the rest of the congregation following the Apply Yourself to the Field Ministry section of the meeting. Since videos of sample presentations are considered during the first meeting of the month, no auxiliary classes will be held then, except for foreign-language groups.
There you go. This is for all the idiots who swore up and down and sang songs that the ministry school was gone.
Theocratic Ministry School . . . is still there AND longer?
by warehouse inso i made a timeline based on the leaked letter, it is as follows:.
edit: updated chart with color, because the html version was crap.
so i know i might be crazy, but is the theocratic school still there, just called apply yourself to field ministry?
Theocratic Ministry School . . . is still there AND longer?
by warehouse inso i made a timeline based on the leaked letter, it is as follows:.
edit: updated chart with color, because the html version was crap.
so i know i might be crazy, but is the theocratic school still there, just called apply yourself to field ministry?
Room215 wrote:
No more speech counsel slips, no TMS overseer, no second school;
Where in the letter does it say that these would be eliminated? I guess they could be gone, but I'm just going by the letter and not inventing any crazy ideas like the witnesses do . . .
Room215 wrote:
and participation restricted to just the three five-minute demos (six people at most), and at least some of which are likely to he handled by video.
Correct, but this is no different from the existing school, only now there are MORE participants. I say more because, previously there were three parts, with a maximum of 5 people. Now, there will be the same number of parts, but like you said, six people could potentially be up there. Plus, you have a bible reading before all of that.
The videos will take over once a month, yes, but the letter mentions they will be discussed, so who will lead such a discussion? Most likely the relabeled school overseer. Also the letter refers to participants in the Apply Yourself section as students.
Instead of fanatically jumping to conclusions based on hearsay and excitement, we should look at the letter with logic and reason to determine what has changed, and what will stay the same. We should also conclude that some things are unknown.
Theocratic Ministry School . . . is still there AND longer?
by warehouse inso i made a timeline based on the leaked letter, it is as follows:.
edit: updated chart with color, because the html version was crap.
so i know i might be crazy, but is the theocratic school still there, just called apply yourself to field ministry?
DATADOG wrote:
I'm sorry, the Bible reading is where???
4th part after first song/prayer
DATADOG wrote:
You have three choices:
1) Rice, chicken and beans.
2) Chicken, beans and rice.
3) Beans, rice and chicken.
No matter how you spin that plate, that shit gets OLD.....
Very true, it's basically the EXACT SAME meeting
Theocratic Ministry School . . . is still there AND longer?
by warehouse inso i made a timeline based on the leaked letter, it is as follows:.
edit: updated chart with color, because the html version was crap.
so i know i might be crazy, but is the theocratic school still there, just called apply yourself to field ministry?
So I made a timeline based on the leaked letter, it is as follows:
EDIT: updated chart with color, because the html version was crap
So I know I might be crazy, but is the Theocratic school still there, just called Apply Yourself to Field Ministry? I'd say it's even longer because it is preceded by Digging for Spiritual Gems (old Bible Highlights), and a bible reading. So they had 4 parts, now there's 5; unless no counsel is given to the brother doing the reading, I guess that makes more sense really.
Revolt Brewing At Headquarter and Different Branches and The Governing Body Is Losing Credibility Among It's Staff
by Brokeback Watchtower inin my mind i see this as a very real situation developing rapidly world wide as these child molestation pay out become public knowledge and can no longer be denied or kept secret from the r&f.
pretty soon the governing body will be the but of many jokes at headquarters and abroad.
they are being caught red handed while robbing the cookie jar.
Vidiot wrote:
The best revolt the WTS can ever experience involves wallets and feet.I still say a clandestine fifth column scenario is a strong possibility.
For example, look at what happened to the LDC project. It got completely shut down. How? The RBC was a closed circuit of individuals in the US branch who acted relatively independent from oversight. Brooklyn took this fringe-lengthening activity away, so they reacted in a passive-aggressive manner, effectively disabling the new arrangement.
What's to stop a group of people, serving in let's say the Service/Writing/Personnel committees, from doing something even more intentional and thought-out? Because they desire, not reformation, but destruction? Possibly their plans are already in motion, and you are beginning to see the effects . . .
"See, madness, as you know, is like gravity: all it takes is a little push . . ."
Are you "trained" to be loyal?
by DATA-DOG ini went for the kh today for personal reasons.
it was pretty dumb, but not horrible.
anyway the speaker used a terrible, but accurate illustration in his gb approved outline.
DATA-DOG, do you remember the title of the talk? -
Participate In The EX-JW Personality Test!
by C0ntr013r infirst of all; i must admit that i'm not a huge fan of putting people in boxes like this, it is not an exact science.
but i still think the data can be quite interesting and i intend to collect it and share it in a structured way with you guys.
so without future ado here are the details.. link to test: .
truthseeker100, I think this is always a risk, especially with certain types that rely on outside consultation/influence to determine the best answer. I always have my extroverted sensing friends take one or more tests, just to confirm, or see if they come back a different type because they felt different that day.
One good test I always have people take is found here: http://similarminds.com/embj.html That one kinda is longer, and asks some of the same questions multiple times and in different ways.
Participate In The EX-JW Personality Test!
by C0ntr013r infirst of all; i must admit that i'm not a huge fan of putting people in boxes like this, it is not an exact science.
but i still think the data can be quite interesting and i intend to collect it and share it in a structured way with you guys.
so without future ado here are the details.. link to test: .