Hey sweet lady, all the hugs and good vibes I can send is heading your way!
i will spare you all the gory details until she is ready to post them.
my mom (mulan) is having trouble with my grandma again.
looks like this time she has finally burned her last available bridge and will be moving out.
Hey sweet lady, all the hugs and good vibes I can send is heading your way!
i love taking pictures and especially of the people i love.... here are some my favorites and most recent..... .
this is my little madeline this is my cute hubby!.
this little man is sean, he is the baby!.
I finally found Strike9! LOL Watch out people I may go crazy
Thanks so much for sharing all of your pics. It is so cool to see everyones family. I also see that my cheap dig cam may need to be upgraded one day, some of those pics are wonderfully bright!
Tom and I (summer 2000) need a new one
Riley and Timmy
BEA! Roflol, somewhere I have a pic of my 80's hair. I will scan for you and post it. Too funny
Edited by - Wendy on 27 June 2002 16:55:42
Edited by - Wendy on 27 June 2002 16:57:28
ok, they caught me off guard.
two young men.
they said, "hello we're bible students in the neighborhood with the latest issues of the watchtower and awake.".
Hey Lisa,
Here is a link to what happened back in January when they visited me, Needless to say, I haven't heard back from them haha.
Well what a suprise and welcome to the neighborhood. A young man(alone) just knocked at my door wanting to share a scripture with me on the conditions of the world today. The kids were working on their math so I had a few minutes to play, so I bit He opened up Timothy and read what "horrible" conditions we live in today. I couldn't help but state that those "conditions" are really just human nature and they have been around since man has. He agreed but said I should agree that things are just so much worse now...I didn't
I told him that there are many good things occuring in this world today, and that even in public school's now they are teaching programs on how to be a better neighbor and friend. Teaching morals to children has always been a priority of churches with Sunday school geared towards the younger generation. Also the UN has made great strides in ensuring world peace. See where I am heading with this?
Well he wasn't to be sidetracked, he needed to finish his speach, so he opens up Revelations where it says God is making a new heavens and a new earth. He then quickly jumped to the "What does God require of us" brochure and offered to leave it with me. I told him I may read it, but I was an atheist and felt if God required something from me, I am sure I would find it without his or anyone elses help.
He was so young, probably mid twenties maybe younger. An older woman saw he was still at the door and walked up on the porch, she then invited herself in and since it was so cold I agreed. She then took over...lol part of me wanted to tell her, you go girl We discussed my opinions on god and she was so willing to show me from the scripture why I should believe in him. Anyway, I will leave that out and get to the good stuff.
They brought up again how horrible life is and how we need god now. I said I thought that UN was doing a good job and asked how JW's felt about being involved in other organizations to help improve life on this planet now. They gave the spiel(sp?) of how they are relying on God to come save them and will not be part of this world and support any govt or earthly organization to do this. Jackpot!
I then asked, well "The JW's applied to the UN in 1991 to become a NGO and agreed to support the charter of the UN. So if they are relying on God why are they willing associating, and actively seeking out association with the UN? Oh and BTW don't you believe that anyone associated with the UN will be destroyed?"
Wide eyed open mouthed relpies, No way would the JW's be a part of the UN. Neither one was aware that the org was even an NGO. I told them about the Guardian article and repeated the name 3 times just in case they wanted to look up themselves. I even gave them instructions on calling the UN and asking about the status of the WTBTS. I wish I had my copy of the letter handy I would have shown them that as well. I told of my discussions with Bryce in Brooklyn, and said what a nice young man he was and how helpful he was, encouraging them to call as well.
I had my PC right there and offered to pull up the site that showed their association in laymens terms. Of course they denied, the woman was getting antsy, and explained the dangers of the internet and how we cannot believe everything we see on it. I told her I agreed and I was very careful on what I DL as well. But I did reiterate that the WTBTS was on the Official UN site.
Long story shorter? I agreed to take their booklet, and I said I may read it. And I would welcome them back anytime to have a cup of coffee and discuss anything they wanted. I told them who my mom and family was and they knew us through the grapevine. Hmmm maybe I will get an elders visit after all these years, I can't wait
wendy(of the Advertise, Advertise, Advertise class)
When I leave, you will know I have been here
i was so saddened yesterday when i read this post by kent.
there is so much information on wo that have helped thousands of people.
DOH! I was just alerted to that thread Gopher. My apologies. I am glad that this has not turned out as the other, and am BEGGING others that it does not!
I have no intention of bringing up anything. I wanted to post this so others can be aware, and perhaps share their opinion on this. It is truly a historical event, and to use it for mudslinging is ridiculous. I have had my hands full lately and miss alot of what is going on, I thought perhaps others did as well.
(((((Hugs to all)))) Let's play nice shall we
i was so saddened yesterday when i read this post by kent.
there is so much information on wo that have helped thousands of people.
I was so saddened yesterday when I read this post by Kent.
There is so much information on WO that have helped thousands of people. I cannot help but feel a bit happy for Kent though, for taking a well deserved break. If the WO is removed countless people will never know the wealth of information that is stored there.
Raising a toast to a wonderful guy! Knowing that Watchtower Observer will never be duplicated!
this is a bit off topic, but i hope someone might give me a little insight on a delicate matter here.. my significant other has applied for life insurance, and of course must have the obligatory "home visit" where they take his blood pressure, blood sample, pee sample, etc.. we are barely making ends meet as it is, and are trying to sign him up a a non-smoker.
(he's gonna quit, anytime now.
i swear.
I tried calling you the other day, I got the machine. Give me a call honey, I have been worried about ya
You are the person to determine what is a good thing to post on a public DB? Did you forgot your major blunder? lol
did someone at wts attempt to hack me today?
i don't know, but here is the summary from my event log and domain trace.
this afternoon i received an "alert" on my firewall with an ip address.
Thank you! That was why I posted that. It is really a neccessary process and the "hacking" may be a wrong term. I wanted everyone who was worried to actually try it though, to show that some firewalls will alert you. I don't have my firewall activity screen up, so I don't always know when it has been triggered. I also have a list of port numbers and this helps to answer what the alerts are regarding. 1214 and 1433 are always hit and sometimes I have more than 200 just for those ports lol
The reason I didn't want to mention anything publicly is because if there are monitors here, they would be very interested in a thread with this title. But I also feel compelled to help those who may be worried needlessly. As for the email from Joel Gott, that is a whole different thing. That is why I suggested Amazing contact him. Have I confused anyone yet? lol
Happy hunting all
wendy(learning more and more everday)
an interesting project with respect to the jw child molestation problem is coming up that i want to get some help on.
if anyone would like to help, please email me at [email protected] .
there could be a time committment from a few hours to many hours, depending on how much you want to do.. thanks!.
Just bringing this to the top again. I also noticed that Alan has reached 1666 posts hehe
There is still time and things that need to be accomplished! So anyone who is willing to help on this IMPORTANT project Please! Please! Please contact Alan!
did someone at wts attempt to hack me today?
i don't know, but here is the summary from my event log and domain trace.
this afternoon i received an "alert" on my firewall with an ip address.
It happened again. And all I was doing was attempting to watch their videos
The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (UDP Port 6970) from www.watchtower.org ( (UDP Port 22854).
I am writing this post here, so those who already paranoid, are not more paranoid when this happens to your computer. I am sooo computer illiterate that I also was shocked when it happened to me the first time. I went running to JanH and asked 100 questions Of course I hated to be a leach so I did some internet research as well concerning ports and uses etc. The above example will set off an alarm, but it a normal procedure in order for you to watch videos on their site, there is some computer mumble jumbo involved others can explain better than I. The trick is they attempted to open a UDP port, not a TCP port. Can anyone else explaion this better? It is really harmless, I suggest that ALL of you with firewalls try this. I just ask that you record the port numbers for future reference. I have a theory I am working on haha.
i've just been looking back over some of the old posts and remembering some of the people we have had on the forum, been friends with and now miss.. one of the down-sides of running a place like this is that it becomes harder and harder to really 'get to know' many of the new ones like it was at first and i'm often working on the system and seeing so many names that they sometimes almost become a blur.
sometimes i see a post by a name i don't recognise and they've already made 100+ or so posts !.
many people are bound to move on eventually (although we're lucky to have a good bunch of 'regulars') and it's unfortunate that some are put off posting by personality clashes (possibly mine!
Larc, I will let him know.
Teejay, the color of love is red
I also forgot to mention a handful, I hope if they are watching they don't mind. I wondered about Moxy as well. Expat made a post at Kent's not long ago saying he was going on vacation, I hope he is okay, has anyone heard from him? I know 7of9 is still here, but how I miss her humourous, and intelligent input on threads. Neyank, is posting some, and I enjoy his comments, I am always so glad to see them. Notperfectyet my cyber mommy finally spoke to her after a few months lapse. Deacon, I miss him too. Thinkers wife Aww she is one sweet lady, and funnnny! We are def long lost sisters haha. Bugsy and Ladybug, I know they moved in real life and in cyber, off this board, for their own reason, but I sure miss them. Seeker, also moved on from the boards, he had burnout I think after so much time here. I guess that is the way it goes as the young ones come on to take the "older" ones place. Alamb is another who I often email with, but am behind on, she doesn't post much but has a story 10 miles long and is a wonderful woman. Wannahelp what a sweetie, so glad to have been able to "meet" him via phone, we could talk for hours. He also has been staying away from the boards for a few months now. Frenchy...The French Knight Slayerlayer GET OFF THE DRUGS MAN!!!! I say that because I love him, and so many others do as well
It is strange...how deeply my life has been touched by those here. I guess that is why when there is a disagreement it gets so heated eh? When there are tears they are real. And when I laugh, my monitor and keyboard usually suffer if I am attempting to drink at the same time. I have so enjoyed getting to know you all.
wendy(missing some I sorry)