every aspect of life and thought....
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ive been thinking a lot about this subjection thing that is so much a part of wt teaching.. i mean, what is the point of it?
who does it benefit?.
why cant couples work out a who does what pattern that suits themselves, why should they pay any heed to the wtbtss edicts about women being in subjection?. every aspect of life and thought....
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it's 4 a.m. here on the left coast, and while i have always been an early riser, this is ridiculous; but i just have to get some things off my chest.
with the sands of the hourglass down to the last few grains, i want to have a last word with you all.
first, i want to offer my sincere apologies for all the mean and nasty stuff i may have said during the heat of battle.
the KH, god's house plese. the WTB&TS gods chosen. "we are the holy place" a little full of our self aren't we
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(entire article).
questions from readers.
in view of jehovahs willingness to forgive sins by the merit of the ransom sacrifice, why is it necessary for christians to confess to the older men in the congregation?.
being not catholic i never confessed to a priest, but my mother does. i know you guys don't know the difference between the JW and catholic confessions so i thought i would let you know how it really is with them.
well when you confess to a priest there is only one man, he need not see you, you need not go to your local church so he will not know you, if you want it that way. when you do your pennence wcich consists of prayer meditating on your sins.
to the catholics it is the christ who forgives us sinners and when thay are forgiven thay are gone, no more. thay can't be used against you because thay have been forgiven and are not your sins any longer. a priest can not tell anyone your confession. to tell a coneffession is one of the worst things a priest can do. (i know your hate got you and you said no it isn't. WT training, see it for what it is)
priests just don't have the power that elders have over the lives of there congregations. priest perform ceremonies for them that is about it.i have never heard of a confession being used to hurt a catholic
that being said, i personally don't see any biblical instruction to confess to a man.
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when jesus taught his followers how to pray why wasnt the name of god used in the model prayer.
our father in the heavens, let your name be sancitied.
with so many people and religions in the world how many would have known the name of god if it were used in that popular prayer.
what????? it's plato's fault? jesus did say the name of god??
oh, fred man, come back
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the 69th psalm is known as a messianic psalm, as it foretells the documented experiences of jesus during his execution.
for instance, verse 21 foretells the occasion when jesus was offered gall to drink as he hung from the torture stake.
however, of particular interest, is the fact that verse five says: "o god, you yourself have come to know my foolishness, and from you my own guiltiness has not been hidden.
you know,
hahahah that is funny funny stuff did you ever think of writing for the WT?? or maybe the rag in the market? i will make a perdiction for you tomorow you will still be funny still lost still selling rag-mags
i am taking 144,000 to 1 on this perdiction
any takers?
step up suckers
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when jesus taught his followers how to pray why wasnt the name of god used in the model prayer.
our father in the heavens, let your name be sancitied.
with so many people and religions in the world how many would have known the name of god if it were used in that popular prayer.
because the name Jehovah wasn't made up, by a catholic, for another 300 years.
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hi everyone, i'd like to tell about my dad's reasons for staying a jw!!.
firstly, does he believe the world was created?, yes.. secondly, does he believe in god?, yes.. what is the only book written, claiming to be the word of god?
the bible.. so here we have a man who believes in god and the bible.. so, taking the advice and information from the bible, it tells him that there will be a 'faithful and discreet slave class', by the way 'class' is a word i think was invented by jw's, but that's a different story.. 'they will be separate from the world', o.k, jw's, fine.. 'they will use the lords name-jehovah', o.k, jw's, again.. he also believes that they offer the best interpretation of revelations, that's opinion.. 'they will preach to all the inhabited earth', jw's mainly, i think, or at least , he thinks.. also, whenever he has fallen away and been really low, he has prayed, and he swears that both times, a jw has been at the door, even if they haven't been for months.. he knows they have made mistakes, but he thinks they are too close to what the bible says are the 'chosen ones', that he is willing to stick with them.. or is he brainwashed?.
i know just what you mean.
he is not arguing HIS reasons for staying. he is telling you what the WTB&TS inc. conditioned him to say.
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one of the claims witnesses like to make is that they are color-blind, that their religion transcends matters of race and culture.
by and large, i think most "apostates" accept this, though it's all too obvious that witnesses are bigots when it comes to all non-members.. but how true is the claim that witnesses escape racial stereotyping?.
i attended an inner-city congregation with mostly black brothers and sisters.
They had their own set of beliefs based on nothing more than their own wishful thinking.
how does that make the children of hamm any different then the other JW's?
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i'm john, and this is mary.
he can do whatever he wants, and what he wants is to give you a million dollars, but he can't until you kiss his ass.
kiss hank's ass and he'll give you a million dollars when you leave town.
hahahaha, lol, now that is what i am talking about!!
let those with eyes see!
are you giving a sarcastic writing course? sign me up!!
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life is so not black-and-white, either/or, us-versus-them!
life is such a rich pageant, such a glorious heady brew of perfume and musk and spice and manure and mold and rot, sometimes all in the same little experience!...i used to let this stuff make me crazy, trying to find the patterns, the meaning, the reasons for the absurd details of daily existence.
since i quit measuring everything against the big sovereignty/salvation yardstick, i try to just let things happen, and lately i'm delighted more and more at the quirky propinquity of good and bad in every experience.
well mommie dark, looks like the light is shinning in you. maby a name change soon?
we know we are free whan the weight of our chains is taken from us.
less talk more rock
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