Let me make this perfectly clear - I am not against every callous terrorist on earth being hunted down and excecuted like the worthless dogs they are.
Ah, a true Christian.
there is a lot of ignorant afghan bashing going on here at the moment (as opposed to informed afghan bashing) and when we read the papers and see the television pictures it's little wonder why.
the world news media is on a feeding frenzy whipping up so called 'anti-terrorist'* retoric to silly levels.
(*one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter .. nelson mandela?
Let me make this perfectly clear - I am not against every callous terrorist on earth being hunted down and excecuted like the worthless dogs they are.
Ah, a true Christian.
the bible clearly states that fornicators will not inherit god's kingdom, but the question is "what is a fornicator"?
if i remember correctly the word fornication is derived from the greek word "porneia".
the problem is there are different defintions of that word porneia.
i couldn't agree more. after reading your frist post agan and thinking about what i rembmber of the "acceptable" sex form the bible. i find my self asking just who and what it is that gives us this form of "regulated" sex? like: only with your wife- only one wife-only to make babys etc.. i don't think it is the bible.
the bible clearly states that fornicators will not inherit god's kingdom, but the question is "what is a fornicator"?
if i remember correctly the word fornication is derived from the greek word "porneia".
the problem is there are different defintions of that word porneia.
bboyneko hi,
thanks for geting back to me. i found:
Titus 1: 6
An elder must be blameless, the husband of but one wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.1 Timothy 3: 12
A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well.
but you will notece it does not say a man must have only one wife. it says an elder and a deacon. these are not people these are poitions. if no man may have more then one wife why would you need to say anything more?
but this is not anything "more" is it, it is realy only elders and deacons. the "more" must be men who are not elders and deacons.
"TWO will become ONE." isn't that sex?
the bible clearly states that fornicators will not inherit god's kingdom, but the question is "what is a fornicator"?
if i remember correctly the word fornication is derived from the greek word "porneia".
the problem is there are different defintions of that word porneia.
i can't find anytihin in the bible to say a man need have only one wife. the only placy i found it is in church Tradition. if you found it in your research about sex can you give me the chapter and verse?
there have always been things about the bible that never really made much sense to me.
not to say that i disagree with whats in the bible but i have wondered about the fairness of certain things.. 1. for example i've always even as a child thought that it was odd that so many people would die during armageddon.
now as an adult and i understand people better than i did years ago i really do feel puzzled about the fact that according to the scriptures the majority of mankind will perish.
that's because there is no "evidence" that you have to offer which proves that the Bible is NOT the word of God
hi Lefty,
can you tell me who frist said the bible is the word of god?
can you tell me the year?
can you tell me how many years it was after the chirch went apostate untill the time thay called it the word of god?
can you tell me why i need to call an apostate book the word of god?
most of you are are aware that i sent out a letter to friends and family exposing the organizations association with the un.. since that time there have been several very important developments including wtbs dissacociating themselves from the un.. because of this i felt i had to get this new information out to everyone i had writen the origional letter to.. i sent this update to out of town friends and family.i encluded a copy of the un letter announcing wt's dissacociation and the two guardian articles.. my plan met with a problem.i knew my local po had warned everyone not to read anything else from me.i knew he would do this so i even sent him a letter along with the rest to show that i stand behind what i wrote and i'm not afraid of him.. today i did the only thing i could think of,i wrote a new letter to the po.. here it is,.
dear po 10-16-01. circumstances have changed since my last letter to you and others.. i am honor bound to update you and them of these changes.
im sure that youve told everyone not to open anything from me so thats why i am writing to you only.. the information i sent earlier was accurate and true at the time but as i stated earlier things have changed.. enclosed please find an official copy of the october 11th 2001 letter announcing the termination of the wtbs association with the united nations.
hi sane Ranchette
"He says I'm like a little mouse playing infront of a hungry snake!"
a snake, how fitting
do you think that people might become jw,study,go to meetings cuz thay know that thay might get a chance to molest kids, and get away with it?.
i think that child molesters might look at the wtbts as a safe haven for them.... has anyone else ever thought about this?
yes i do. the WT is a safe haven for them. one the promlem is molestation grows expedentially. molesters in power will need to protect other molesters or face possible exposure.
are child molesters calling at your door?.
do jehovah's witnesses approve, condone, and encourage accused, confessed, and convicted child molesters to call door to door on unknowing potential victims in the witnessing work?
the answer to the above questions is yes on both accounts.
I encourage Jehovah’s Witnesses and the public to unite, and demand Watchtower to change their policy.
bill keep on encourageing. i'll keep on praying for you and the kids. i wish you the best
there have always been things about the bible that never really made much sense to me.
not to say that i disagree with whats in the bible but i have wondered about the fairness of certain things.. 1. for example i've always even as a child thought that it was odd that so many people would die during armageddon.
now as an adult and i understand people better than i did years ago i really do feel puzzled about the fact that according to the scriptures the majority of mankind will perish.
actually I'm a loyal JW, thank you.-lefty
i know. i read your post. i was just kidding with you, i'm in a good mood today.
if you don't mind my asking to what are you loyal?
there have always been things about the bible that never really made much sense to me.
not to say that i disagree with whats in the bible but i have wondered about the fairness of certain things.. 1. for example i've always even as a child thought that it was odd that so many people would die during armageddon.
now as an adult and i understand people better than i did years ago i really do feel puzzled about the fact that according to the scriptures the majority of mankind will perish.
mysteries.......hummmmm, kind of catholic of you.
"both the 2nd and 7th chapters of Daniel predicted that after Rome’s rule of the earth had passed that jurisdiction of the earth would come into the hands of an indefinite number of sovereignties."
i think jan meant and i agree that in boulth chapters of daniel you sighted it is NOT dealing with what you clame it is. this is not a matter of faith. you don't need to believe to understand what is being said.